Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1603: Liuli hangs for nine days

Storms are overflowing, overturning the world.

A glazed sacred tree, pressing the seven peak ancient sages.


The great coercion spread all over the surrounding area, crushing the space, and pressing the Tianjiao to have to retreat one after another, with expressions of horror.

Even in Yibei City, which is separated by hundreds of thousands of miles, countless creatures are divided, and their hearts are like a heavy mountain!

"not good!"

City Lord Yibei, who had just finished the transmission, his face changed wildly.

A pair of eyes looked into the void, like a palm pattern, and captured the situation of the Withered Bone Mountain.

"Wing Northern Army, gather!"

Immediately afterwards, City Lord Yibei shouted, with a stern voice.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

For a time, countless powerful qi and blood rose from Yibei City, and a group of silent soldiers gathered.

The army gathers!

In the Withered Bone Mountain Range, the glazed sacred tree was slowly overwhelming the strength of the old monsters, like the nine heavens falling down and pressing towards them.


These old monsters roared, bursting with mana, and rising in anger, working together to carry this fairyland world.


The Huntian emperor clan is immortal, and the Huntian dove that he transformed makes a sharp neigh.

It seems that the real Huntian Dove reappears in the world, rampant!

The Emperor Huntian said clearly that it was a family of Huntianjiu, but in fact, it was the Great Emperor Huntian, who was pure-blooded.

In addition, the other members of the Emperor Huntian clan, that is, the descendants of Emperor Huntian and other monster races, are not pure-blooded hybrid doves!

You can only rely on the practice of the Emperor Huntian Sutra to continuously purify your own blood and return to your ancestors to become a pure-blood hybrid dove.

The old immortality of this Emperor Huntian clan is the bloodline of Emperor Huntian within two generations, and the Emperor Huntian has been practicing for countless years, and he can return to his ancestors in one step.

If he can take this step, he can become a quasi emperor, and even the emperor is in sight!

It's a pity that the difference in this step is like being separated by thousands of mountains!

Even so, it was terrible to the extreme, spreading wings shrouded in the sky for nine days, unmatched.

However, just hitting the glazed sacred tree was like hitting a piece of indestructible iron.


The old immortal of the Huntian emperor clan hit him so dizzy and almost fainted.

Ji Er, a green glow fell, hitting this old immortal body, directly piercing his chest, blood splattering.


The old immortal of the Emperor Huntian clan let out a miserable cry.

The body that was tens of thousands of feet long was directly thrown out, and the muscles and bones of his body were broken every inch, so miserable!

If it weren't for Hun Tianjiu's body, it was really extraordinary, I'm afraid he would be bombed.

"Old Clan!"

The seventeen emperors of the Huntian Emperor screamed out loud.

The peak ancient sage of the dignified Huntian emperor clan, the ancient sages who were almost returned to their ancestors, were almost bombed, and their bodies were exploded!

The combat power that Qin Yi showed was too terrifying, too strong to imagine!

"Is this really in the same state as the elders?

Is this the evil of the heavens and the world? "

Lionheart spoke in a nearly whispering voice.

This kind of combat power, as long as he dares to step forward, he will be torn to pieces in an instant.

The so-called flesh body that is close to the peak **** body is even more ridiculous!

The old immortal of the Huntian emperor was physically stronger than him by more than one or two, and he was almost blown up in one fell swoop.

Not to mention him, there is only one word on it, death!

And it was so dead that there was no scum left, and he fell on the spot.

At this moment, the glazed sacred tree is still hanging for nine days, like a fairyland in the sky!

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