Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1620: The chain of laws on Xiao Chi


Xiao Chi threw up to the sky and neighed, terribly harsh.

To release the bloodline suppression is to break the chain of laws in the body, which can be an extremely painful process.

However, it does not break or stand.

Xiao Chi wants to fade away from the mortal body and regain the blood of the dragon horse. This step is inevitable!


Xiao Chi opened his mouth and inhaled, and the spirit within the secret territory rolled and moved, and was forcibly gathered by the terrible suction power.

Soon, it was swallowed by Xiao Chi, forming a huge tide of spiritual energy.

With the infinite aura, the fire of nothingness on Xiao Chi's body became more and more intense, burning blazingly!

Of course, such a huge sound also shocked many monsters in the secret realm, and they rushed over.

Qin Yi waved his hand at random, and the Five Extreme God of War understood, and shot and killed the monster beasts that gathered.

"The chain of laws on Xiao Chi's body is actually left by the Heavenly Dao, the plane of Tianyao Continent, or is it the emperor... or the existence on top of the emperor, imprisoning it?"

Qin Yi looked at Xiao Chi's continuously burning law chain, and pondered silently.

It was really impossible to make a judgment based on the chain of laws on Xiao Chi's body.

Needless to say, the plane of heaven, for factors that may threaten one's own safety, it is possible to impose divine punishments and stifle factors of instability.

The existence of the great emperor or the great emperor, with the help of the understanding of the law and heaven, also sets a chain of laws for people!

Not to mention other things, the penalty spell Qin Yi has seen has evolved to the extreme, not just a chain of laws.

The chain of laws on Xiao Chi's body alone is not enough for Qin Yi to make a judgment, but Qin Yi prefers to be the chain of laws set by the strong!

After all, the place where Qin Yi found Xiao Chi was the world of sin.

The Sin Realm is close to the Tianyao Continent, but it is not a part of the Tianyao Continent. The Heavenly Dao of the Tianyao Continent may not be able to interfere with Xiao Chi's existence.

"Could it be the chain of laws set by the enemies of the Longma clan?"

Qin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and thoughts wandered through his mind.

In the end, it can only die without disease.

Only then did he take the first step to enter the heavens and the world, knowing too little about the races in the heavens and the world.

How to make judgments in the absence of intelligence?

While Qin Yi was thinking, Xiao Chi's bloodline suppression was gradually broken.


The chain of laws that bound Xiao Chi was burned to pieces by the flames of emptiness that became more and more violent.

Later, it penetrated into Ryoma's body and was absorbed by Xiao Chi.

In the end, the chain of laws can be regarded as a kind of energy, which can be absorbed by Xiao Chi, more than most magic medicines!

The cohesion of the law is no worse than the so-called magic medicine!

Xiao Chi's body also became more and more crystal clear, and the radiant splendor bloomed on the scales, like a **** enshrined in the same temple!


Like the sound of raging waves, coming from Ryoma's body, shaking the entire ancient medicine secret realm, shaking the sun and the moon!

Countless golden clouds and divine rainbows filled the sky!

Ryoma's body is undergoing qualitative transformation, and the powerful force from his bloodline is constantly transforming his body.

The red blood in his body gradually turned into golden, and the deep blood of the gods replaced the blood of the past!

Each mane also bloomed with endless brilliance, and the fiery red fairy light enveloped the dragon horse!

Countless auras and chaotic auras were gathered around the body for Xiao Chi to continuously absorb, and even Qin Yi shot and ingested auras for Xiao Chi.

Xiao Chi gradually lost his mind. In the endless aura, he fell asleep, and his realm grew rapidly in his sleep.

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