Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1621: Emperor Pin Magic Medicine


Suddenly, a red flower appeared on Xiao Chi's head.

Bright as colored glaze, like the most beautiful flower in the world, at the same time, countless buddhist flowers are hanging down, and golden lotuses appear on the sea!

Xiangrui travels with visions!

When Xiao Chi opened the dragon and horse bloodline, he truly became an auspicious beast, and traveled to the heavens under the auspicious signs!


Suddenly there was another explosion, the Tao was roaring, and the endless Sanskrit flowers were blooming, submerging Xiao Chi, filling the secret realm of ancient medicine with its fragrance.

The laws of the fire system are emerging in Xiao Chi's body, converging into a growing river, and deriving endless great principles!

The dragon horse is an auspicious and auspicious animal of the fire system. It does not lose to the unicorn. It controls the flame avenue. When the law of enlightenment, the avenue automatically manifests, forming a river of flames for the enlightenment!

This is the treatment of sacred beasts, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the parent of heaven!

For this reason, there are many powerful people in the heavens and worlds, and when their life is near, they will exhaust all means to obtain the fetal eggs of the beasts.

Its purpose is nothing more than to reincarnate into a clan of gods and beasts!

With the powerful talents of the sacred beasts, regain the realm of the previous life, and even break the road, in order to be one step closer!

Endless smallpox was scattered, submerging Xiao Chi, and countless paths enveloping Xiao Chi, eventually forming a brilliant cocoon.

And Xiao Chi was in the giant cocoon, undergoing the final transformation.

When this giant cocoon shattered and Xiao Chi reappeared, it was when he shed his cocoon into a butterfly, becoming a real beast, dragon horse!


The resplendent cocoon is like the treasure of the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm, surrounded by auspiciousness, and enveloping it by millions of radiant clouds!

A large amount of spiritual energy was absorbed by the giant cocoon, allowing Xiao Chi to complete the final transformation.

The thunder-like sound comes from the giant cocoon from time to time.

It is estimated that this situation will continue for dozens of days before Xiao Chi can complete the transformation, and Qin Yi did not delay, continuing to check another treasure that moved him.

This is a magical medicine, or a fairy medicine!

An old blue tree that is no more than a palm, resembling an old colored glaze tree, but not an old colored glaze tree, far more distant than the old colored glaze tree.

Countless chaotic air currents linger around the ancient trees, and they seem to have the aura of the avenue, containing thousands of mysteries!

The faint medicinal scent came from the ancient tree, and after taking a sip, I only felt refreshed, as if it could purify people's body and mind.

A mysterious Taoist rhyme, circulating on the ancient trees, reveals an unspeakable attraction.

"A imperial drug?"

Qin Yi raised his brows and looked at the ancient tree in his hand.

This ancient tree, which is extremely similar to the glazed sacred tree, is an imperial potion.

The emperor grade medicinal materials can be called magic medicine in the heavens and all realms, and can already be counted as a magic medicine that can reverse the universe!

A divine imperial medicine is not inferior to the imperial pill of the same order, and it is even more powerful!

Moreover, using a divine medicine as the main medicine, combined with other medicinal materials, it can be refined into a higher-grade pill.

For example, this ancient tree magic medicine is only a low-level imperial medicine, but it can be used as a main medicine to refine a middle-level imperial medicine!


When Na Mu Qingcang saw this ancient tree, he screamed like an electric shock.

A lonely look suddenly appeared on Mu Qingcang's face.

"Hahaha, it turned out to be like this, it turned out to be like this, the ancestors did not abandon my Wood Spirit Race..."

Mu Qingcang looked up to the sky and laughed, with a bitter smile on the corner of his mouth.

While seeing this ancient tree magic medicine, he understood everything!

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