Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1627: Kneel down, serve me as Lord, or die


Mu Ling Clan's resident, Mu Ling Valley.

In the sky, the sky is full of tumbling aura.

A black shadow like a dark cloud covering the entire Wood Spirit Valley, it is a treasure ship haunting colorful glow!

The countless **** patterns on the treasure ship exude a faint fluorescence, and when they vibrate gently, it is like a human body vomiting, setting off a storm of spiritual energy!

The void of thousands of miles is still shattered like a mirror.

Suddenly the gust of wind howled, the aura of chaos and turbulence leaked, causing the storm and thunder, covering the entire Wood Spirit Race.

"This is, there is a Zhun emperor who can come to my Wood Spirit Race!"

"This breath is stronger than the patriarch, who came to my Wood Spirit Clan to make trouble?"

"Hurry up, avoid the saints quickly into the bottom of the valley, above the saints, let me respond to the enemy!"

At the same time that the treasure ship appeared, the entire Wood Spirit Valley seemed to have awakened from its deep sleep, and burst into anger.

Countless figures with powerful aura sprang from the palace and rose into the sky!

The leader is the many elders and patriarchs of the Mu Ling tribe.

Everyone stared at it, and saw a figure wearing a black diadem on the treasure ship, bathed in an endless stream of spiritual energy.

A pair of star eyes, the ancient well without waves, indifferently overlooking everyone!

Come like a god, watch the world!

"In the beginning, the prince came to our clan, and the old and the old have missed far to welcome."

The patriarch of the Mu Ling clan shrank his pupils, and quickly grabbed his mind, and smiled at Qin Yi with a fist.

As if he had never heard of Qin Yi's domineering words before, Qin Yi had never captured the Tianjiao of his clan.

Like welcoming VIPs, welcome Qin Yi's arrival.

As the saying goes, reach out and don't hit smiley people!

At the moment when Qin Yi came to make trouble, the patriarch of the Mu Ling clan also wanted to calm down the trouble, and did not want to be embarrassed with Qin Yi.

However, the Mu Ling clan wanted to calm down, but Qin Yi didn't want to.

"Kneel down and serve me as Lord.

Or, die! "

Qin Yi stood with his hand holding his hand, his expression was as indifferent as a nine-day **** and demon, and said concisely.

He didn't come here to reminisce with the Wood Spirit Clan, but to bring the Wood Spirit Clan under his command, so as not to use it!

Qin Yi obtained the inheritance of the alchemy from the Temple of Doust, and bestowed it on Hao Yilian, in order to let Hao Yilian establish the alchemy heaven pavilion belonging to the imperial dynasty.

Even, he did not hesitate to gather countless treasures of heaven and earth in Tianyao Continent for Hao Yilian's use.

It's just that Qin Yi took it too much for granted, and he paid more attention to genius and learning than martial arts.

Even if there is a palace of Dust, the inheritance of the old man's alchemy depends on the individual's talent for the alchemy to achieve success!

With Hao Yilian's alchemy talent, coupled with the bonus of the female family system, Hao Yilian has never stepped into the realm of alchemy master.

Although there are restrictions on cultivation level, it also shows the difficulty of alchemy. You don't see that ancient medicine master, but he has practiced for thousands of years before entering the realm of alchemy master.

Not to mention, except for the other alchemists except Hao Yilian, it was even more horrible, and it was extremely difficult to refine even the heavenly pill.

After all, there are too few people in the Tianyao continent with alchemy talents!

The Wood Spirit clan is a group of ready-made alchemists.

Every elder of the Wood Spirit tribe can be regarded as a treasure house for Qin Yi, and these people have practiced the alchemy for at least millions or tens of millions of years!

After countless years of polishing, it is almost enlightened.

In addition, the wood spirit is the essence of elixir, natural alchemists, if they belong to Qin Yi's command, they will be inherited from the alchemy of the Heavenly Palace.

If you don't fall into the dynasty, you can have a few more alchemy masters and even alchemy masters!

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