Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1628: The emperor is overbearing, what are you going to do

Muling Valley.

The treasure ship is on top.

The turbulent spiritual energy storm constantly shook the sun, moon, mountains and rivers.


The elders of the Wood Spirit tribe stared at Qin Yi with wide eyes.

Qin Yi's move is simply bullying!

Not to mention the Tianjiao who had robbed them of their clan, but also hit the door, arrogantly trying to make them consider him the master!

"Bai Jing, don't think that you are the prince of the Taichu Emperor. You can act recklessly in the Huntian Emperor. You are not afraid that I will ask the emperor to blame you!"

"Yes, yes, you dare to take action against our clan, I'm afraid you can't get out of the Huntian Emperor!"

"Hurry up and exchange my clan Tianjiao, and quickly retreat!"

The elders of all the tribes were angry and yelled at Qin Yi.

An impassioned appearance, as if he could fight Qin Yi at any time!


Qin Yi looked down at the world, his eyelids drooped suddenly, and he exhaled.

A word fell, like the sound of the sky, shaking the sky for thousands of miles!

Countless auras are rolling and squeezed into liquid form, forming a terrible tide, pressing towards the old wooden spirit tribe.

I'm afraid the sound wave squeezed towards the wood spirit tribe from all directions.


The mighty powers of the Wood Spirit Races were instantly crushed to their knees, and their faces were full of horror.

They can't even bear the power of this person. What a terrible power this is that makes them tremble!

Every word, the town is great!

"Bai Jing, you are so courageous!"

The clan elders of the wood spirit tribe also changed their expressions, and their faces were full of anger.

Although this huge pressure can't overwhelm them, it also brings great pressure to them, as if a huge mountain is pressing on them!

"His Royal Highness, I forgive the old and dare not agree to your request.

Please stop here, and don't make it difficult for the old. "

A gloom flashed in the eyes of the patriarch of the Wood Spirit Clan, and he was forced by him.

No matter how angry he was, he didn't want to betray Qin Yi, or the imperial dynasty of Taichu!

Qin Yi didn't raise his eyelids, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He was taken aback when he saw the head of the Mu Ling clan.

"With you, you don't deserve to negotiate terms with my Royal Highness!"

At this moment, an extremely cold voice rang in the ears of the head of the Wood Spirit Clan.


The patriarch of the Mu Ling clan was suddenly shocked, and he knew not well.

Being touched by someone silently beside him, not to mention that such masters are weaker than him, and even their cultivation base is better than him.

A sturdy and powerful hand, from the top of the head of the patriarch of the wood spirit, grabbed the head of the patriarch of the wood spirit.


The big hand gently pressed the patriarch of the wood spirit clan directly into the air and fell into the wood spirit valley, hitting countless smoke and dust.

The earth cracked, cracked numerous cracks, and the great formation in the Wood Spirit Valley was also completely broken!

When the smoke fell, in the jaw-dropping gaze of the old wood spirit tribe, a man in thunder pattern robe with knotted muscles stepped on the foot of the wood spirit tribe chief.


"Damn it!"

"Let go of the patriarch!"

The faces of the elders of the Wood Spirit Race changed wildly, and there was no more calmness before.

Even if Qin Yi made a move before, they didn't change their expressions, but the patriarch of the Wood Spirit clan was knocked down by a single force, making them unable to sit still anymore.

"Shoot together and rescue the patriarch!"

The ancestor Aoki gave a low cry and greeted everyone to take action.

A round of blue light rose up, and the magic of the glazed sacred tree stood majestically in the sky.

Even, formed into the glazed sacred forest, the invisible domain opened up and linked into one, suppressing the aura storm!


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