Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1629: The emperor asked, who would dare not follow


In the sky above Mu Linggu, the sacred trees swayed.

The five pinnacle ancient sages shot together, its power is so terrifying, even the general quasi emperor needs to retreat!


King Lei just chuckled, and the void around him went dark.

A piece of thunder sea emerged from nothingness, all kinds of vast calamities, suddenly descended around the wood spirit valley.

The thunder flickered, the lightning was like a snake, and the sound was deafening!

Countless powerful thunders are beating among them, such as the Purple Clouds, the Five Elements, the Universe and so on!

The Thunder Sea landed, covering the entire Wood Spirit Valley in it, boundless, like a vast world of Thunder!

With a thought of Lei Tingsheng, Huashui transforms into the sea of ​​God!


The thunder fell into the sky, poured into the glazed sacred woods, and instantly tore all the dharma images to pieces.


The law was broken, and under the influence of Qi, the elders of the Wood Spirit clan spewed a breath of blood, and their breath suddenly wilted.

The clansmen looked incredible, and they didn't expect Thunder King to be so powerful.

one move.

They were defeated with just one move, so cleanly!

The thunder shook again, and the elders of the Wood Spirit Clan also fell to their knees, just as powerful as the Wood Spirit Clan.

At this moment, the Thunder King stood proudly in the Wood Spirit Valley, with the patriarch of the Wood Spirit Clan under his feet, and thousands of thunderbolts beside him, trapping a group of Wood Spirit Clan powerhouses in place!

No matter how the Wood Spirit tribe members roared, they couldn't break free of his bondage.

"Your Highness!"

After doing this, King Lei turned around and bowed to Qin Yi.


Qin Yi lifted his eyelids, stepped into the void, and fell in front of the wood spirit tribe.

"His Royal Highness, are you trying to keep going with me?"

At the feet of King Lei, the patriarch of the Mu Ling clan had red eyes and his eyes were cracking.

He is the patriarch of the Wood Spirit Clan, a quasi-emperor, and when he has been subjected to such a big humiliation, he simply tramples his face down!


The patriarch of the Wood Spirit clan roared, the mana in his body rolled like a Yangtze River, and he wanted to escape from the feet of King Thunder.

Glazed cyan light was shining, his cyan hair danced wildly, his hands exerted force, slowly supporting his body.


King Lei snorted coldly, and with force, he stepped on the patriarch of the Wood Spirit clan again.

As the second person of the Heavenly Court Thunder Tribe, Lei Wang has practiced for countless years with Jiutian Puhua Tianzun, and has been undefeated against the seven powers of the same rank!

The seven quasi-emperors could not defeat him, let alone the wood spirit clan chief who was not good at attacking, it was not worth mentioning.

Even if the quasi-emperor powerhouse of the Wood Spirit Clan has a few more, or even ten, the Thunder King can suppress it!

"Too...too strong, this person is really too strong!"

A group of Wood Spirit Race mighty bodies, their bodies trembled and their voices trembled.

In their hearts, the patriarchs who could be ranked among the top ten in the Emperor Huntian Dynasty were defeated so casually and unable to resist!

These methods are almost approaching the supreme of the Great Emperor's realm!

One person, suppress a big family!

Could it be that the powerhouses of the early imperial dynasty were so powerful?

When the Mu Ling tribe was able to think about it, Qin Yi also walked to the head of the Mu Ling tribe and looked down.

"I'll ask again, are you willing to be my master?"

at the same time.

An overbearing and domineering meaning suddenly pressed on the Wood Spirit Race and others. In their eyes, Qin Yi was as powerful as the ruler of the world, with the Thunder King as the power, and his mighty power.

As the gods asked, mortals would dare not obey!

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