Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1673: Danduo good fortune, medicine becomes the emperor product


The flame jumps.

The gossip array on the soles of the feet unfolded, and the true rhyme of Samadhi slowly waded across the void, flying like a dragon, wrapping the purple gold gossip furnace.

The whole body of the pill furnace was red, and the temperature in an instant rose to tens of millions, and the temperature in the Tusita Temple rose sharply!

It's like being in a fire prison, burning through the void!


Hao Yilian took out a jade box from the storage ring.

I saw a bud in the jade box that was waiting to be placed, lying quietly in the jade box, but it was the size of a palm, but it was crystal clear.

The red petals are warm and translucent, rippling with a ray of sacred breath!

Sacred Sun Flower!

Emperor Pin’s low-level magical medicine is even more powerful than the magical medicine made by the ancient medicine master.

Even if you can feel the power of the medicine through the jade box!

The growth conditions of the Sacred Sun Flower are much harsher than those of ordinary imperial medicines. Strictly speaking, only the extremely hot Hell can be born!


Hao Yilian opened it, and the sky flew out, the fragrance of medicine filled.

The dim divine brilliance lit up on the sacred clouds of the blazing sun, like sunlight, just like a small sun the size of a palm.


The Sacred Sun Flower trembling slightly, as if trying to break free from the restraint in the jade box, and vacated.

The emperor's magical medicine contains immense power. It is conceived for thousands of years, and it has a not weak spiritual intelligence.

If he can transform himself, he is a quasi emperor!

What's more, it's okay to cultivate into the supreme emperor, comparable to the blood of the gods and beasts!

The Sacred Sun Flower of the Sacred Sun was not the magic medicine obtained by Ye Tian, ​​but was formed after the ancient medicine master fell.

Its wisdom has not been erased!

Hao Yilian's face was solemn, and she shot one pill after another.

The Sacred Sun Flower gradually calmed down, no longer struggling, and the brilliance on it slowly dimmed.


Immediately afterwards, Hao Yilian directly wrapped the Lieyang Saint Xia Flower with her true essence and threw it into the Zijin Bagua furnace.

This is more than that, Hao Yilian continued to dig out things from the storage ring.

A small bottle.

Three jade boxes.


The small bottle was unplugged, and it contained a stream of clear and bright liquid, and the stars were dotted, like a galaxy.

Star Spirit Water!

Refined pill, the most precious auxiliary medicinal material, can increase the rate of forming a pill under Emperor Pin by 30%, and the rate of forming a pill under Emperor Pin by 10%.

It is Hao Yilian who obtained the treasure of alchemy from the Wood Spirit Clan and accumulated thousands of years.


The three jade boxes were opened one after another, containing three million-year-old ancient medicines, the grades of which were as high as those of quasi-di.

"Emerald Tree, Meteorite Strange Vine, Golden Flame Root."

Hao Yilian counted the ancient medicines in the jade box.

These are three auxiliary medicines for refining Zhuxia Ning Shen Dan, and none of them are indispensable.

Only the Mu Ling tribe has collected an unknown number of ancient medicines from the ancient emperor for thousands of years, and then they can gather all the medicinal materials of Zhuxia Ning Shen Pill.

Hao Yilian put three ancient medicines, together with Xingchen Lingshui, into the Zijin Bagua furnace.

"Kang Dang!"

The top of the stove was closed, and several ancient sage quasi-emperors, including the patriarch of the Wood Spirit clan, spit out their mana, and the real fire of Samadhi under the stove was burning.

Kui Er, evolved into countless Taoist chains, locking the Zijin Bagua furnace.


The pill furnace spun violently, and immeasurable rays of light bloomed from it, making a thunderous roar, shaking the sun and the moon.

It seems that there is a supreme deity being sacrificed and condensed into a **** pill.

Danduo good fortune, medicine becomes the emperor product!

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