Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1674: God pill will become

The reason why the elixir pill is called the **** pill by the world is because the mystery of the law is contained in the elixir, which hides the heaven and the earth.

It can be regarded as the supremacy of the Dao Dao in the pill!

Hao Yilian and the others looked solemn and did not dare to relax, they urged their magic power with all their strength to make the real fire of Samadhi burn more intensely.


Hao Yilian drank sweetly, the celestial patterns on the purple gold gossip stove were lit up, and the dazzling glow bloomed around the stove.

The furnace tripod, which was burnt red, turned into a crystal gem, and through the furnace wall, you could see the scene inside.

A galaxy, a wooden dragon, a golden fire and phoenix, and a sacred tree that supports the sky and the earth are encircling this European round of burning sun!


Hao Yilian drank lightly, and the patriarch of the Mu Ling clan and others urged their magic power.

The heat of the real fire of Samadhi penetrated the furnace wall and penetrated into the Zijin Bagua furnace. In the next moment, several magical medicines slowly softened and turned into a pool of liquid medicine.

The impurities are quickly evaporated, leaving only the essence of the liquid medicine!

The rest of the medicinal liquid gradually melted, condensing into the embryonic form of a pill.

"Real fire performance, Jiulong refines the gods!"

Hao Yilian quickly squeezed the pill formula in her hand, emitting a stream of light, blending into the purple gold gossip furnace.

After several neighs, the real fire of the Samadhi suddenly turned into nine fire dragons, entangled the purple gold Eight Diagrams furnace tightly, the dragon head raised slightly, and confided Fen Tian Lie Yan into the furnace!

The purple gold gossip stove was burned so brightly, and the two colors of yin and yang were spinning rapidly in the purple gossip stove.

Samadhi burns the sky, surging forward!

"Too Shang Dandao, it really is extraordinary!"

Qin Yi looked at Hao Yilian's alchemy technique and couldn't help but nod.

With Hao Yilian's cultivation base capable of evolving, in fact, he wants to refine the imperial grade **** pill. Not only is there a gap in the alchemy realm, but his own cultivation base is also a shackle.

The refining of Emperor Pin Pills and the consumption of mana true essence in the refining process are terrifying.

With Hao Yilian's cultivation base of the Eclosion Realm, she couldn't hold it at all!

With the help of the miraculous effect of the Supreme Pill, Hao Yilian used the magic power of the patriarch of the Wood Spirit Clan and others to refine the imperial pill in turn.


As the elixir refining progressed, the sound in the furnace became louder and louder.

A golden elixir gradually took shape in the Zijin Bagua furnace!

The anomalous evolution in the pill is like a **** holding a galaxy in his hand, with one mouth, it is a galaxy, and his body is shining like colored glaze, casting ten thousand gods.

Hao Yilian and others urged the true essence mana in the body to maintain the true fire of Samadhi.

The next process is just water milling kung fu, so that the pill will be completely formed.


Qin Yi sat cross-legged without wasting time, and then began to practice.

One day, two days, three days...Time hurried by like quicksand, in a blink of an eye it was ninety-nine and eighty-one days!


On the eighty-first day, Hao Yilian looked tired, but her eyes were full of surprises.

For several months, she has been devoted herself to alchemy, and finally only one step away, she can make Zhuxia Ning Shen Dan!

In this way, she can also break through the pass of the alchemy master, and make great progress in the cultivation of alchemy!


The purple gold gossip furnace trembled and gave out a thunderous roar, and the whole Buluohuang emperor seemed to tremble with it.

The Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth also roared, as if a **** was born!

Countless gods hung down and lingered around the imperial capital of Buluo. When the lid of the tripod was opened, a tangy medicinal fragrance filled the temple of Dousiz.

God pill will be completed, visions will follow!

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