Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1691: Contend for heaven

The great sun is suspended in the sky, striving for the glory of the heavens.

On the sky, a blue sky held up a round of purple sun.


Anxious* aura swept across the world, and the chains cast by countless gods shot out in all directions.

The void was pierced, and the vast force broke the mountains and rivers and the gossip array, the aftermath escaped around, shaking the boundlessness!

The will to suppress Ten Thousand Dao is even filling the Tianyao Continent.


And before the big day, a real dragon that stretched for an unknown amount of time, its vast body covered the sky like a curtain of sky.

The shining golden brilliance of the galaxy, like the most beautiful color in the world, covers the entire sky!

The clouds on the tens of thousands of miles in the sky are rendered golden, like if the heaven is coming!


The two collided together, and the chaos after Wanli Void shattered suddenly, and it was extremely terrifying.

Countless dazzling purple lights and brilliant golden brilliance, like a silver bottle bursting into water, lased towards the surroundings.

The tyrannical force pierced the large formation, fell to the ground, and razed the mountains tens of thousands of miles in length and breadth to the ground!

Some warriors who were staying in these mountains had no time to escape, so they were strangled to fly ashes, and their souls were destroyed!

It was as if dozens of scars were left on the boundless sky, which was not bottomed out and shocking.

However, this time fighting, neither of the two can do anything about it.

Qin Yi's collision, supported by the mountain and river gossip array and the faith of countless people, was comparable to a full blow from a great emperor.

If it was a weaker emperor, he would be killed if he could not say.

However, the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao is the plane of the Heavenly Dao condensed from its origin, with the terrifying power of the Heavenly Dao, controlled by thousands of laws.

Unmatched combat power!

The average emperor is not necessarily his opponent.

In the fight with Qin Yi, neither fell behind, and occupied a lot of advantages.




The collision continued, the monstrous blood overflowed, and the shocking fluctuations spread in all directions.

In the sky, there are only the afterimages of the purple sun and the golden dragon, and every blow will cause countless fluctuations!

Shattered layers of void, shattered into a vast expanse.

Even the Mountain and Rivers Bagua Formation was a bit unbearable, and it broke a little bit. The battle between the two great emperors' levels of combat power was no longer what the Mountain and River Bagua Formation could bear at this moment.

However, under Qin Yi's intentional guidance, through the broken void, the battlefield was involved in the chaotic turbulence.

Only then can the extent of destruction be suppressed to a minimum.

"Can the emperor win?"

Countless people of Buluo stared nervously at the void, their whole hearts being grabbed.

The horror of heaven is far beyond everyone's imagination. Can the emperor defeat heaven and prove the invincible way again?

The people of Buluo don't know, all they can do is to firmly believe in the power of the emperor, and the omnipotent emperor is undefeated!

If it is said that the people of Buluo had long expected the power of the emperor, then the spies of other great worlds were shocked.

A Tiandao incarnation of Tiandao in the mid-thousand world plane, comparable to the level of the emperor, possessing invincible combat power in this world.

Such an existence is not considered a weak person at the emperor level, and there are few noble existences that the emperor supreme provokes.

This imperial dynasty not only provoked it, but the emperor of this emperor, the existence of an unfinished emperor, actually relied on the secret method to share it equally?

This is not falling dynasty, what kind of dynasty is it?

Can there be such an evil emperor?

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