Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1692: Emperor Jiuxiao Dynasty, Star God Sect

Tianyao continent.

An unremarkable restaurant.

A black-clothed young man was drinking with a white-haired young man. The wine was fragrant while coveting.

The crystal clear wine exudes a charming fragrance.

"It's worthy of being a famous wine from the Emperor Jiuxiao Dynasty, with a mellow taste, and the spiritual power contained in it is of great benefit to the martial arts!"

The black-clothed boy took a sip and couldn't help but admire.

"It's just a booze. Brother Fu is lucky to like it."

The white-haired youth has a cold voice, which is a unique characteristic of warriors who practice ruthless kendo.

Everything doesn't linger in the heart, and the mind can't feel the slightest waves.

"Only for Brother Ji of the Jiuxiao Emperor, this Jiuxiao Spirit Brew can be regarded as a mere boiled wine, with strong financial resources!"

The black-clothed boy shook the glass in his hand and smiled lightly.

Such a cup of Nine Heavens Spirit Brew is worth tens of thousands of Chaos Stones in the Eastern Frontier, and its value can be comparable to a high-grade high-grade war weapon.

Even drinking it with great power can be better than a year of penance!

Needless to say, the value of it is not from the imperial dynasty, the gods, or the ancient sage giants, and I have never seen it.

"Brother Fu joked, you are the ninth son of the Star God Sect. With the background of the Star God Sect, isn't this Jiuxiao Spirit Brewing a glass of thin wine?

I have heard that Brother Fu is quite loved by the noble teacher. "

The white-haired young man said coldly.

Although the words have the meaning of ridicule, the cold tone really makes people unable to hear any meaning of ridicule.

The black-clothed youth also didn't care much, as most swordsmen who practice ruthless kendo are like this.

"Brother Ji is the sixth emperor of the Jiuxiao Emperor Clan. Why, this time he came to Tianyao Continent without any entourage?

Isn't it afraid that there will be no one to help you when you encounter the killing? "

The black-clothed boy smiled and said casually.

The emperor of a dynasty traveled, and many attendants followed and served.

The black-clothed boy has seen how many emperors travel, and the ostentation is not a big one. The car pushes the colored glaze, the strange animal clears the way, and the ancient sage follows!

The low-key behavior of the white-haired youth is not what he said, it is not like an emperor traveling at all, and it is no different from an ordinary warrior.

"My heart is on the road, a few followers, how can I compare to my sword!"

The white-haired youth's cold voice was like a divine sword blasting into the sky, arrogantly rushing into the sky, and even more violent killing intent permeated.

Just as the white-haired young man said, how can some followers compare to his sword, even the ancient sage defender.

With a sword in hand, it is invincible!

The ruthless kendo repairs the avenue of the invincible heavens by cutting thousands of emotions.

"It seems that Brother Ji's ruthless swordsmanship has broken through the mind, and it only takes half a step to break through the realm of the ancient sage.

No, it won’t be long before the Emperor Jiuxiao will be able to add another Tianjiao on the waiting list of the Great Emperor. "

The black-clothed boy raised his brows, and an imperceptible jealousy flashed deep under his eyes.

The sixth emperor of the Jiuxiao Emperor Clan in front of him was also a ruthless man. He did not practice in the Emperor Jing of the Jiuxiao Emperor Clan, but went to practice ruthless swordsmanship.

Even, in order to enter the ruthless swordsmanship, he was incognito in a small thousand world when he was a child, as if an ordinary warrior stayed in that small thousand world and practiced for thousands of years.

During this period, he married his wife and gave birth to children and gave birth to hundreds of children.

Then, bring these thousands of years of heirs and wives to bring all the creatures of the entire Little Thousand World to slaughter them all!

Bai Huafa overnight, and then step into the ruthless Kendo!

It was once a man with a sword, and he fought against two ancient sage giants. He was hailed as the most promising tianjiao of the Jiuxiao Emperor Clan to enter the realm of the Great Emperor.

Is expected to become the second emperor of Jiuxiao Dynasty!

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