Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1726: I, Qin Yi, there is no killing point in my pocket

"Ding! The system task is released, please check the host."

"Mission: Devil from Heaven: Difficult-level mission;

Explanation: The heavens are the emperor, and the world is the emperor, with one force overwhelming the vast universe.

The host’s heart and the sky are high, vowing to reach the perfect state of the Emperor Zhun, the spirit and spirit reach the extreme state of the Emperor Zhun, and the blood of the true dragon reaches 100%, which is comparable to the ancestral dragon.

The superposition of these two can suppress all evildoers under the realm of the great emperor of the heavens!

Reward: Three system summon opportunities. "

Qin Yi was thinking, the system prompt sounded.


The corner of Qin Yi's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but complain.

System, you really meet the needle.

This also issues me a task.

"Ding! Conquering the heavens and worlds, the host may not be able to do it.

Just as the host thought, the only thing you can do now, the host, is to overcome the tianjiao in the realm of saints first!

What's more, it is not difficult for the host. "

The system talks eloquently.

"Ding! Of course, the host's thinking is still too simple.

How vast are the heavens and worlds, and how many arrogances are. Among them, the human race is the most triumphant. It is not only the host who sits on the blood of the beast.

The strongest of the human race, combined with the strongest of the beast clan, gave birth to offspring with extremely high blood of the beast.

It is still extremely difficult for the host to overcome all the evildoers of the heavens and ten thousand realms. "

The system paused and the conversation changed.

Qin Yi: "..."

The system makes sense, and I have nothing to refute.

The heavens and myriad worlds are vast and have bred countless worlds, and they have bred countless enchanting Tianjiao. I don't know in which world there are unimaginable enchanting existences.

It is indeed difficult for Qin Yi to overcome all Tianjiao.

"Ding! Don't worry about the host, you only need to increase your bloodline concentration to 100%, which is comparable to the first real dragon in the heavens, the ancestor dragon.

In terms of blood, he can be regarded as the highest person in the heavens and all realms.

Furthermore, by cultivating the physical body and cultivation base to the quasi-emperor's extreme realm, and then exchange some powerful magical powers and martial arts in this system, you can overwhelm the heavens. "

"Of course, all this requires the host to spend tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of killing points.

However, think about the power that can be exchanged to overpower the same generation.

No matter how you count it, it's not a loss! "

Systematic words are full of bewitching.


Qin Yi frowned and smiled coldly.

Yes, the system makes sense, if you do this, I can indeed overwhelm countless arrogances of the same generation.


The system, you don't look at it either.

I, in my pocket, don't even have any killing points.

Also exchange magical powers and purify blood, just think about it.

"Heh! Poor ghost!"

The system left this sentence, and immediately disappeared, ignoring the poor ghost of the emperor.

You don't even have a killing point, and you want to hang on with him?


Qin Yi was speechless.

There is no killing point, it is my fault, I just used up the killing point.

"However, what the system says is a clear path."

Qin Yi rubbed his chin.

As long as the physical body, cultivation base, soul, and bloodline are all deduced to the most extreme realm, it is not impossible to suppress all the arrogances under the great emperor of the heavens and the world!

In addition, with a lot of magical powers and martial arts, he can sweep the heavens, Zhundi Tianjiao invincible.

Even the great emperors who can resist most of the double heaven realm have no problems.

The superimposition of several extreme realms together can produce power that can already surpass the barrier of the Great Emperor, and even enter the barrier of the Great Emperor.

The quasi-emperor's extreme realm, overwhelming the great!

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