Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1727: The difficulty of the quasi-emperor

"Quasi Emperor Extreme Realm."

Qin Yi vomited lightly, his eyes burning.

The three spirits, spirits and gods all step into the extreme realm of evildoers, can fight the great emperor.

The vastness of the heavens and myriad worlds is boundless, and there is no shortage of such evildoers, such as the strongest arrogance of the heavens and gods, the cubs of the clan of the gods and beasts!

Qin Yi wanted to overcome these evildoers, but it was not as simple as the system said.

It is true that if the physical body, cultivation base, and spirit all reach the extreme state, they can be fearless of the emperor, but how much resources are consumed.

Just by deducing the soul to the extreme, Qin Yi spent a Zhuxia Concentrating Pill, plus the eternal star refining method, to break through the level of refining the star.

How can ordinary evildoers have so many resources to break through.

This is just the cultivation base of the Divine Soul Extreme Realm, one can imagine how huge the resources consumed are.

This kind of evildoer, each one cultivated is enough to hollow out more than half of the foundation of a powerful emperor!

Even, it is very likely that so many resources will be consumed and it will be nothing in the end.

After all, the practice is quite difficult, and if you are careless, it will be overwhelmed, and countless years of cultivation will be overwhelming.

Don't look at Qin Yi's soul reaching the extreme level easily, that is, Qin Yi's own soul, which is nourished by dragon energy all the year round, and suppressed by the origin of the system, so that foreign demons cannot invade, so he can break through.

The so-called foreign demon is also the heart demon, or the foreign demon!

When the gods and souls step on the emperor realm, they will attract the demon from outside the territory, causing the cultivators to have a lot of demons, and even worse, they will become demonized.

There is a systematic suppression of the soul's origin, and the extraterritorial celestial demon can't even invade Qin Yi's spirit, let alone interfere with Qin Yi.

If you change to other evildoers, you will have trouble!

This is only the practice of the Divine Soul Extreme Realm, the Divine Soul Extreme Realm is invaded by the Heavenly Demon, and the flesh Extreme Realm has the difficulty of breaking the emperor.

Relatively speaking, the extreme level of cultivation is the most peaceful and there is no disaster.

However, it is actually the most difficult one of the three to enter the extreme realm, and it is necessary to accumulate one's own mana to the extreme that the quasi-emperor realm can accumulate.

One's own source of Taoism can also be condensed into the Supreme Emperor.

The so-called "Emperor Rule" refers to the power of law that exists in the origin world of the great emperor, and it is the transformation of the cultivator's own origin principle.

"'Di Ze' exists in the original world of the great emperor, and it is impossible to see under the great emperor.

If you want to be in the realm of the emperor, the resources consumed by condensing the'Emperor' even far exceed the resources of breaking through the emperor.

Several times, even dozens of times. "

Qin Yi sighed lightly.

The enchanting Tianjiao of the heavens and ten thousand realms rarely pushes the three spirits and spirits into the quasi-emperor's extreme realm at the same time, because of the difficulty of condensing the'Emperor's rule'.

With that resource, you can directly cultivate a great emperor.

How can there be such extravagant handwriting to cultivate the quasi-emperor extreme realm Tianjiao?

That is to say, the gods of the heavens and the gods of the extreme Taoism have such a foundation, and they dare to cultivate the evil spirits of the three to reach the extreme realm together.

"The matter of resources can be ignored for the time being. With a system in hand, all resources for cultivation can be exchanged for killing points.

Similarly, in order to condense the ‘Emperor’s rule,’ in addition to the cultivation resources, the comprehension of the rule must be comparable to that of the emperor.

This is the most fundamental reason that restricts the scarcity of quasi-emperor extreme realm monsters. "

Qin Yi thought silently.

The enlightenment of the law cannot be faked by human hands at all. I want a quasi emperor to have the enlightenment of the law comparable to the Great Emperor.

This is the most difficult thing.

"For others, this is the most difficult thing, but for me, it is not a difficult thing."

Qin Yi smiled.

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