Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1729: The dynasty that goes silent

How powerful an imperial dynasty is.

In the Eastern Frontier, there are the top handful of forces.

Even when the Huntian Emperor was dying of old age, the Huntian Emperor had already declined and was not at the peak of its strength in the past.

However, the strength of the Huntian Emperor is still stronger than the Buluo Dynasty!

Not to mention other things, it is only the ten of Emperor Huntian, no, the nine clans, each of which has one or two quasi emperors.

Coupled with other casual cultivators, some large forces have dozens of quasi-emperor powerhouses and hundreds of ancient sage giants.

Such strength is not comparable to the current imperial dynasty.

The current Buluo Dynasty is full of calculations, and there are only two quasi-emperors, Lu Dongbin and Mu Ling clan chiefs, and more than twenty ancient saints.

"With the current development momentum, you only need to wait for decades, or even hundreds of years, to digest the gains of the battle against the Xuanye Demon Clan and the accumulation of millions of years of the Wood Spirit Clan.

At that time, there will be no fear of the Emperor Huntian when there is another war! "

Qin Yi sneered.

With the current environment of Buddhism, the momentum of prosperity.

Decades of development is enough to make the strength of the Emperor Buluo Dynasty soar several times, even dozens of times is not impossible.

Every one of his subordinates is a person with extraordinary talents, such as Hakuki, Uchiha Madara and others with extraordinary talents.

Decades later, enough to grow into a giant!

Over the course of decades, Qin Yi can also cultivate countless combatable troops.

At that time, if the imperial dynasty attacked the Huntian Great World again, there would be no more worries and could crush the entire Huntian Great World.

"I can also practice hard during this period of time to prepare for entering the quasi-emperor realm."

Qin Yi cleared up his mind, his eyes slowly closed.


When Qin Yi retreats again, one person in the chaos is already ready to leave.


The chaos of disorder and rank is full of space storms.

The terrifying chaotic turbulence, the power of space, split everything in the chaos, and the chaotic torrents from time to time shake the heavens.

In the chaotic turbulent current, a simple treasure ship was moving forward slowly, with its array patterns flickering, isolating the attack of the chaotic breath.


The treasure ship traveled slowly, breaking through the terrifying force of space.

A middle-aged man with a majestic face wearing a thunder pattern robe was standing proudly on the bow of this treasure ship.


The middle-aged man is driving the treasure ship, following the map of the chaotic world, toward a world.

From time to time, the middle-aged man would look back at the depths of the treasure ship.

Your Highness, has been in retreat for dozens of days. I don't know when I can leave it?

According to the boundary map given by His Highness, this place is only 30 million Chaos Dao in the Great World of Taichu. At the current speed, it will take a few days to reach Taichu.


Just thinking about it, a powerful breath suddenly burst from the depths of the treasure ship.

The dazzling divine brilliance rises from the depths of the treasure ship, engulfing the treasure ship, and it seems to illuminate the entire chaos.

The violent fluctuations are spreading everywhere!

"Your Majesty... No, your Majesty, is this going out?"

The middle-aged man was taken aback for a moment, and quickly stopped the treasure ship, and while his hands were dancing, thunder shots out instantly.

Thunder intertwined, weaving into a huge formation.

In a moment, a large thunder pattern formed quickly.

After the formation of the thunder pattern, the huge fluctuations were sealed down, so as not to attract the attention of the powerful world around them and cause unnecessary trouble.

After doing this, the middle-aged man quietly waited for His Highness to leave.

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