Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1730: A avatar is like a god

Chaos and quiet, the big formation closed the town.

The middle-aged man stood with his hand in his hand, watching the depths of the treasure ship nervously.

There, a breath is gradually becoming stronger.


A mysterious rhythm rippled in the entire array, and mysterious fluctuations instantly filled the entire array space.

The bright brilliance illuminates the entire space of the big array.

Amidst the brilliance, with the vast aura of ancient atmosphere, contains the strongest rhyme of Yonghe Miaoyuan.


At this time, the immeasurable brilliance faded, as if silenced.

In the next moment, a more dazzling silver halo rose from the depths of the treasure ship, like a big silver sun rising!

The day turned out to be shining!


A dim sound came from the silver sun, like a baby's heartbeat, and like the pulse of the world.

Immediately afterwards, the sound became louder and louder, louder than ever, until the end it vibrated like a heavenly thunder drum.

There was a huge wave in the space of the large array. If it weren't for the large array arranged in advance by the middle-aged man, I'm afraid this wave could shock the powerhouses in countless worlds around him.


A loud shout came from the depths of the treasure ship.

That silver big sun shook, and in an instant the brilliance exploded, shining on the chaos, exuding the atmosphere of suppressing the void.

Look carefully, where is the silver big sun, it is clearly a vast silver world!

The sun, moon and stars, mountains, rivers and water, countless creatures, all manifested in the silver sun, just like a real world.

The chaos of the world town, the spirit of the gods is forever!


The entire large array space was illuminated brightly and thoroughly at this moment.

Countless bright divine lights burst out from the silver world, violently intertwined, just like huge waves.

Hundreds of thousands of silver brilliance, the power of the terrifying world poured out, as if to illuminate the entire large array with blazing heat, which is not unbelievable.

Even the formation laid down by the middle-aged man almost couldn't hold on.

"not good!"

The middle-aged man's complexion changed, and he quickly used his mana to bless the big formation, and this suppressed the fluctuations.

Even so, the divine light in the big formation was so dazzling that people couldn't open their eyes.


The great silver sunlight spreads out slowly, and the divine glory lingers in the room, as if evolving the three thousand realms of chaos, opening up the heavens.

Layers of divine brilliance spread, like fragments of the world falling.

From a distance, it looks like silver stars!

At the same time, there is a huge suction from the depths of the treasure ship, gathering countless chaotic essence, and one is poured into the silver big sun.

Another strand was poured into the depths of the treasure ship!


A crackling sound came from the depths of the treasure ship.

It was like breaking some invisible shackles, breaking the shackles of cultivation base, and then reaching a breakthrough as a matter of course.

The silver big sun also fell, blending into the depths of the treasure ship.

Suddenly, a brighter brilliance bloomed from the depths of the treasure ship, flowing with the eternal and immortal ancient atmosphere, the sun and the moon collapsed without moving!

The strongest divine power shakes all directions.


The door deep in the treasure ship was pushed open, and a figure walked out of it.

The bright silver light lingers around the figure, like a **** descending to the world, no light can conceal the extremely bright silver light on his body.

The majestic and stalwart figure stands on the bow, but it seems to suppress the heavens, and the breath will cover all the chaos.

One person is like a god!

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