Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1745: The position of the quasi emperor



Everyone was speechless.

The strong crowd onlookers widened their eyes and couldn't believe it.

They didn't expect that by this time, the prince would still dare to make a move, let alone that the man in the thunder pattern robe would actually be a quasi emperor.

The emperor Zhun, a strong man above the pinnacle of the ancient sage, has a cultivation base that shakes the sky and the earth, has reached an incredible level, and it only takes half a step to reach the emperor!

A quasi emperor is far from being able to resist an old sage!

In the great world of Taichu, a quasi emperor is a number of people who show their hands.

"Didn't it mean that the prince didn't have the support of the Emperor Zhun?

No, I have never seen this quasi-emperor, nor is it the quasi-emperor of the Great World in the early days, or even the quasi-emperor of the surrounding mid-thousand world.

Could it be that it was the quasi-emperor that the prince traveled through the eastern frontier to subdue? "

Zhao Junzhu's heart sank.

A quasi-emperor is enough to change the current pattern of competition for the throne.

The fourth emperor and the thirteen emperors each had a quasi-emperor to support them, and the other quasi-emperors did not intervene in this matter.

Every quasi-emperor is a great figure counted by the early emperor, such as the main commander of the Guardian Army, holding heavy power!

No matter who is the emperor of the early days, he must rely on them.

Furthermore, in the eyes of most quasi-emperors, even if the Emperor Taichu deliberately passed on to the emperors, the discerning people knew that it was the Emperor Taichu who was dominating everything.

Therefore, most of the quasi emperors did not choose to end, wade into the muddy waters of this trip.

Except for the fourth emperor and the two quasi emperors behind the thirteen emperors, because of their close relationship with the two emperors, they had to intervene in this matter!

"Impossible, how arrogant a quasi-emperor is, he is even regarded as a legend and god-like figure in the middle-thousand world.

Although Bai Jing was the prince of the Taichu Empire, he still was not qualified if he wanted a quasi-emperor to surrender. Why did this quasi-emperor risk intervening in this throne battle of the Taichu Empire? "

Zhao Junzhu was puzzled.

Generally speaking, the characters who can cultivate to the quasi emperor are all male and female, and they are extremely talented.

Most of them are practicing hard in retreat, hoping to break through the emperor and become the highest existence in the eastern frontier!

Even some quasi emperors won’t even appear until the end of their life!

Not to mention, it is impossible for the impossibility of subduing a quasi-emperor to surrender even the Great Emperor Taichu to force a quasi-emperor to submit.

How arrogant and arrogant a quasi emperor is, he is already close to the emperor, and perhaps the next moment will come, and the broken path will condense into the original world, and he can become a high emperor.

It is not that there are no such examples. For example, the Emperor Kuntian of the Huntian God Monkey clan is such an example!

The reason why the Great Emperor Taichu was able to use many quasi-emperors for his own use was based on the temptation of profit and let a group of quasi-emperors drive him.


Junzhu Zhao is still thinking, the terrifying coercion has already come.


In an instant, Junzhu Zhao was crushed to his knees in the void, as if being crushed on a sacred mountain.

The whole person was crushed to the ground and could only raise his head with difficulty.


Zhao Junzhu's eyes suddenly burst into flames, and his whole body surged wildly, trying to break through this invisible pressure.

However, instead of breaking free from the coercion, the coercion on his body became heavier, and the killing overlord body that was about to break Zhao Junzhu was almost crushed!

The powerful breath crushed him so much that he could not fight back.

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