Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1746: One more question, are you willing to serve me as Lord

"His Royal Highness, I am a member of the Guardian Army, what do you mean by this?"

Zhao Junzhu was anxious and roared at Qin Yi.

He is a member of the Guardian Army, the deputy commander of the Guardian Army, not only represents the main commander of the Guardian Army, but also represents the face of Emperor Taichu.

If Bai Jing killed him, he would surely provoke the great emperor's anger!

How dare Bai Jing move him at this critical moment of the controversy?


King Lei snorted coldly, his heart moved, and the violent breath surged.

As soon as he heard the crackling sound, Jun Master Zhao let out a stern scream on the spot, his body broke even more severely, and his internal organs were already damaged!

Mouthful blood spurted from his mouth, extremely miserable.

"His Royal Highness, don't make mistakes, I am the deputy commander of the Guardian Army.

If I die here, let alone Military Master Dai, even your majesty will be held accountable. I am afraid that your majesty can't bear the anger! "

Zhao Junzhu's voice is stern.

He is betting that the prince dare not kill him!

At this critical moment, it is impossible for the prince not to understand which one is more important.

If he were to be killed, the prince would really be defeated in this controversy to seize the abdomen, and his Majesty would be displeased, and there would be no chance.


It was Xu Junzhu's words that worked, Qin Yi waved his hand gently, and King Lei's breath suddenly eased.

"Huh, huh!"

Zhao Junzhu collapsed weakly, panting heavily.

After a long while, it was a difficult battle to stand up and come to Qin Yi.

"His Royal Highness..."

Junzhu Zhao was about to say something, Qin Yi waved his hand once again, interrupting Junzhu Zhao's next words.

Zhao Junzhu was unclear, but Lei Wang was aware, and suddenly took a step forward.


The terrifying mana fluctuations burst from Thunder King.

The thundering sky behind him shook the void, rumbling and moving, and a terrible breath swept across the surrounding area.

The expressions of the people around changed suddenly, and they realized it all at once.

This is going to be cleared!

If he doesn't leave, I'm afraid King Thunder will take action and kill them.

"His Royal Highness, I'll wait for now to leave!"

A group of powerful people, including the ancient sage giants, slammed their crimes quickly, turned and left.


The next thing, I'm afraid it will involve the controversy of the Taichu imperial dynasty, which is not something they can inquire about.

Even if you just hear it, you are in danger!

"Zhao Tianhu, right?"

Qin Yi looked at Junzhu Zhao when the crowds were waiting to leave.

"Yes, Your Highness."

Zhao Junzhu, Zhao Tianhu quickly replied.

Although it seemed to him that Qin Yi couldn't move him, but the quasi-emperor next to him had been staring at him, he was under a lot of pressure.

He didn't want to care about the tragic deaths of those strong guards, he just wanted to leave this place of right and wrong sooner.

"This prince asks you again, is you willing to serve me as your master?"

Qin Yi smiled slightly, his eyes drooping slightly.

This Zhao Tianhu, who has cultivated to kill the overlord body and is known as the invincible peak of the ancient sage, made Qin Yi a heart of cherishing talent.

This Zhao Tianhu is not the true pinnacle of the ancient sage invincible, so Lu Dongbin, who has never broken through before, can overwhelm Zhao Tianhu with a single sword.

Slashing the immortal with one sword, even Zhao Tianhu, the owl's head, can be a sword.

But Zhao Tianhu is still a rare talent, and with a little training, he can break through to the realm of Quasi-Emperor.

Qin Yi came to the Taichu Great World as the Prince of Taichu, in order to bring the Taichu Great World into control!

To control the great world of Taichu, Qin Yi alone was not enough. He also needed to form a certain team.

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