Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1757: Xia Xuanlong and Zhang Shan's surprise

"Haven't seen in hundreds of years, your highness still has the same demeanor, and respect your highness!"

Zhang Shan said carelessly, with a strong voice, like Hong Zhong, humming the small pavilion.

After speaking, he raised his head and swallowed the glass of wine.

"You rash man, can you keep your voice down? It shook my ears!

Besides, Your Highness is still here. Can you control your volume? Don't disturb your Highness! "

Xia Xuanlong on the side said dissatisfiedly.

This mountain walked together to refine the body, condensing the mountain-shaking demon body, not only did the body soar, even the sound was amazing.

Ordinary warriors couldn't bear his voice.

"Hahaha, isn't this the surprise in seeing His Highness?

Your Highness didn't say anything, you little dragon boy, don't you have any opinions? "

Zhang Shan smiled, his voice was also much lower.

However, he still angered Xia Xuanlong, calling Xia Xuanlong the dragon cub.

Xia Xuanlong has the blood of the dragon clan. From Zhang Shan's point of view, it is the same as the young dragon clan. Therefore, most of the time he calls Xia Xuanlong the dragon cub.

"Why, you reckless King Kong, want to practice with me?"

Xia Xuanlong frowned.

"Come and come, whoever shoots, see if I won't squash you as a jerk!"

Zhang Shan snorted coldly, seemingly disdainful.

After speaking, he stood up, his figure was as strong as a hill, and the sturdy breath escaped from his body.


Xia Xuanlong felt a headache, and this arrogant King Kong didn't agree with him, so he wanted to do it.

In the past, if he met with him, a fight was indispensable, and for this reason Xia Xuanlong had to walk around this guy.

If it weren't for the prince to return to the imperial capital, he wouldn't want to meet this Mang King Kong.

"Well, you two will stop for a while."

Qin Yi smiled, and with a stroke of his sleeves, a huge force pushed Zhang Shan back to his seat.

Although Zhang Shan's combat power was comparable to the old old sage, under Qin Yi's hands, there was still no resistance, and he was pushed back to his seat.

With this move, Zhang Shan didn't feel anything, but Xia Xuanlong's eyes lit up, and he asked: "His Royal Highness, have you broken through the quasi emperor?"

Earlier, he had learned that the man in the Taoist robe who followed his Highness was a quasi-emperor, and even defeated the God of War.

But if His Royal Highness also breaks through the quasi emperor, the meaning of it is completely different!

Even Zhang Shan, who is simple-minded, was stunned.

Even he understood the significance of his Highness breaking through the quasi emperor.


Qin Yi drank a glass of fine wine, and smiled faintly.

"it is good!"

Xia Xuanlong and Zhang Shan suddenly stood up and looked happy.

It seemed that Qin Yi broke through the quasi emperor, and they were more happy than the breakthrough of the two of them. In fact, it was the same.

Qin Yi's identity at this moment is that of the Prince of the Beginning. The significance of this breakthrough is to them, but the power behind them, and the significance of it is not trivial.

"Xuanlong is here, congratulations to your Highness for his great advancement!"

"Xuanlong is here, congratulations to your Highness for his great advancement!"

Xia Xuanlong and the two immediately bowed to congratulate Qin Yi.

The joy in their eyes was almost overflowing.

The position of the emperor in the early days, after the prince broke through the quasi-emperor, is already in sight, and is even in the bag of his highness!

"Get up!"

Qin Yi waved his hand casually.

He didn't care about the surprise of the two of Xia Xuanlong. The two of them didn't know that the prince in front of them was not the former prince of the early prince.

Otherwise, the two would not be so happy.

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