Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1758: Tianjiao Banquet

The prince avatar in the beginning.

This clone is a clone created by Qin Yi with the power of the system.

With the power of the system, as long as Qin Yi doesn't expose himself, even the Great Emperor of the Beginning cannot detect it.

In the eyes of everyone, Qin Yi is the Prince of the Beginning, and even if it is the Spirit Wave, it is no different from the Prince of the Beginning!

The only difference is the slight difference in the origin of the soul.

However, the difference in this one can't be noticed by a great emperor, unless it is Xuxian Tianzun who makes a move.

"His Royal Highness, this time the breakthrough to the quasi-emperor, the fourth emperor and the thirteen emperor, are already not afraid, the emperor is in sight!"

Xia Xuanlong's worries about coming to the Prince's Mansion disappeared instantly.

Before he came to the Prince's Mansion, he was full of worries about the future of the prince. In the final analysis, the prince had traveled the eastern border for hundreds of years and lost control of the imperial capital.

On the contrary, the fourth emperor and thirteen emperors have been operating in the imperial capital for hundreds of years, and almost all the forces have been drawn over!

Except for those families and forces that have a quasi-emperor in charge, they have not expressed their stance, and other forces have set out their carriages.

Even if the prince does not return to the imperial capital, he and the elders of Zhang Shan's family will abandon the prince and join the two emperors.

However, all of this is no longer a problem after the prince breaks through the quasi-emperor!

"Congratulations, your lord, the emperor is in sight!"

Zhang Shan also hurriedly complimented Qin Yi.

Although he is innocent, it does not mean he is stupid.

"It's too early to say, everything still depends on the father."

Qin Yi answered with a smile.

To be honest, Qin Yi did not value the so-called emperor in the early days.

An emperor controlled by people, how can it be compared with the entire Taichu Dynasty and this Taichu Great World.

Next, Qin Yi, Xia Xuanlong and Zhang Shan talked for a while, discussing the current form of the imperial capital.

According to Xia Xuanlong's words, most of the forces in the imperial capital have already joined the team and are taking refuge in the two emperors!

Including, many forces in the imperial dynasty of the early primordial dynasty have also taken action.

"As far as I know, sect forces such as Soul Refining Demon Sect and Wuyuanlou have chosen thirteen emperors.

The royal family, Shi family and other aristocratic powers in the imperial capital chose the fourth emperor, and almost 80% of the imperial powers served the two emperors. "

Xia Xuanlong's attitude towards the imperial capital is like a treasure.

Judging from the current situation, it would be extremely unfavorable to the prince, but Xia Xuanlong knew that if news of the prince breaking through the emperor came out, the situation could be reversed in an instant.

The prince who broke through the quasi-emperor already had a huge advantage in the throne, and these forces naturally understood how to choose.

"His Royal Highness, do you need Xuanlong to release the news?"

Xia Xuanlong asked.

"this matter……"

Qin Yi smiled slightly as he was about to speak.

A servant of the Prince's Mansion walked into the pavilion from a distance.

The servant bowed his head and respectfully saluted Qin Yi: "His Royal Highness, the fourth emperor sent someone to send an invitation, inviting His Highness to participate in the Imperial Capital Tianjiao Banquet held in Qingyu Tower tonight."


Qin Yi was taken aback and accepted the gilt invitation from his servant.

This Emperor Tianjiao Banquet is also recorded in the memory of the Taichu prince. It is a banquet held every thousand years and held by the prince of the Taichu emperor.

The Tianjiao of the imperial dynasty of the early primordial dynasty would basically attend this banquet.

It can be said that it was a grand gathering of countless Tianjiao in the Taichu Dynasty. This time the Tianjiao Banquet was hosted by the Fourth Emperor.

Banquet in Qingyu Building!

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