Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1769: The hastily prince

The squally wind.

Void shocks.


The attic, which is engraved with countless **** patterns, is constantly swaying under the billowing air current, like a candle swaying in the wind.

In the end, unable to bear it, it collapsed suddenly.

Dozens or hundreds of figures were blown away for dozens of miles in the howling wind, and then they stopped.

A soft drink can break a hundred enemies!


Countless Tianjiao climbed up from the ground with difficulty, with an unbelievable expression.

"One trick to blow up hundreds of Tianjiao?"

"This... how is this possible, I am also the Emperor Tianjiao anyway."

"When did the prince become so powerful?"

Many Tianjiao looked at Qin Yi blankly as if they were turned into clay sculptures, unable to accept all these things.

With a soft drink, Qin Yi's method of overthrowing the arrogance of the heavens caused great shock and horror to everyone.

And the fourth emperor's words, like a thunder, blow them up foolishly.

"Did you break through?"

A question made all Tianjiao understand instantly.

His Royal Highness, only by breaking through the realm of the quasi-emperor can he overwhelm all of them in one fell swoop, irresistible.

And what does it mean for the prince to break through the quasi-emperor, all the arrogances are clear, and the rise of the prince is unstoppable!

Even the possibility that the prince will win the position of emperor will be several times greater!

All the heavenly arrogant minds have become active. For most forces, there are no eternal opponents, only eternal interests.

Interest is the foundation of many forces and their continuation.

For a while, the situation seemed to be unfavorable for the Fourth Emperor!

"Okay, it turns out that elder brother, you have broken through the quasi-emperor, no wonder you dared to make a big banquet!

However, even if you break through the Emperor Zhun, it does not mean that you can ignore the rules of the Tianjiao Banquet and trample on the rules set by the emperor! "

After all, it was the emperor in charge of one party, and the fourth emperor responded extremely quickly.

The crown prince broke through the quasi emperor, and he was already at a disadvantage in terms of cultivation. If he let the other tianjiao all go to the prince.

Don't say that the prince was cleared out, he himself was out first!

"All Tianjiao listened to the order, and I ordered the host of the Tianjiao Banquet to capture the person who trampled on the rules of the Tianjiao Banquet!

Those who violate the emperor's order will be punished together! "

The fourth emperor screamed.

He must capture his eldest brother and send him to the Criminal Ministry, and he must die for the crime of disturbing the Tianjiao Banquet!

Only by capturing his eldest brother into the Ministry of Justice, the form of fighting for the position of emperor can be reversed!


All Tianjiao was taken aback, and had to answer the order of the Fourth Emperor.

In any case, the prince’s accusation of disturbing the Tianjiao banquet cannot be changed, even if the prince is promoted to the emperor.

Those who disturb the Tianjiao Banquet will be punished severely by the Ministry of Criminal Justice!

This is an order established by the Emperor Taichu to protect the Emperor Tianjiao, and it has been established since the establishment of the Taichu Emperor.

There used to be a family of Tianjiao, the royal princes and children of the early imperial family who violated this rule were also killed in the prison by the Criminal Ministry!

Even if the prince interceded, it was of no use.

‘The prince is too impatient. If he can bear it a little bit and plan slowly, it may not be impossible to secure the position of the emperor. ’

‘While publicity is good, it’s not an option. ’

‘It’s for a while, but you want to lose the position of emperor.

The prince is too unwise. ’

Zhong Tianjiao meditated, feeling sorry for the prince.

If he falls into the prison of the Ministry of Punishment, with the fourth emperor's method, the prince will have to peel off his skin if he is not dead.

Hopeless Emperor!

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