Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1770: Tianjiao's domineering

The emperor is the most taboo who does not respect his orders!

Unscrupulous, represents not being controlled by the emperor.

Even if this person is his heir, so is it.

The emperor definitely didn't want to hand over the imperial dynasty of Taichu to an emperor who didn't even care about the rules set by him.

When he first learned that the prince broke through to the emperor, Zhong Tianjiao still had the idea of ​​taking refuge in the prince.

So calm down now, but Zhong Tianjiao dispelled this idea.

The foundation of the prince is too weak, and this unwise move is not suitable for becoming the emperor of the early beginning!

"Offended, His Royal Highness!"

At this point, Zhongtianjiao didn't have any hesitation.

Tend to inflammation.

Human instinct!

If the prince has no possibility of becoming a king of God, what fear do they have?


All Tianjiao suddenly took a step forward, and saw a wave of Xuanhe breath Changhong rising into the sky, shaking the sun and the moon.

The divine light is like the sea, and all kinds of huge visions manifest, filling the entire small world.

How terrifying is it that hundreds of Tianjiao explode their strongest aura?

The overwhelming fluctuations are as terrifying as the ocean!

The strongest mana swept the sky and the earth, and the mountains underneath were collapsing, and the void was trembling and shattered under this breath!


A terrifying demon god, stepping on the boundless footsteps, countless ghosts wailing, evolving into the supreme demon realm.

This is the method of Soul Refining Demon Sect Tianjiao!


A sky-shaking sword rainbow roared in the gallop, shaking the heavens, like the supreme immortal across time and space, cutting down a sword.

This is Wuyuanlou Tianjiao's sword intent!


The **** pattern in the void is permeated, imprinted in the small world, forming a terrifying big formation, turning into a furnace of heaven and earth.

This is the imperial capital Ren Jia Tianjiao, depicting a huge formation!


A Zun Tianjiao tried his best to suppress Qin Yi.

The vast auras are linked together, seeming to provoke the laws of the heavens, and make a huge continuous roar.

The void could not stop collapsing, revealing the chaotic turbulence that followed.

this moment.

The sky is shaking, the ground is shaking!

People were trembling, and countless attendants of Qingyu Tower were directly strangled into powder under this huge pressure.

Even if you get away with it, you can't survive without the powerful cultivation base of the saint, and can only be annihilated in the chaotic current!

If it weren't for a strong person from Qingyu Tower, I'm afraid all of these waiters would fall into the chaotic turbulence.

And those powerhouses in Qingyu Tower, looking at the arrogant Tianjiao, were a little surprised.

"Hundreds of Tianjiao, each of them has a cultivation base above the sixth level of a saint, and their martial arts and supernatural powers are all top-notch.

Everyone has to be vigorously cultivated by their own forces and has the invincible potential of the same level! "

The strong man of Qingyu Tower said.

Not to mention other things, the general quasi emperor is really not their opponent.

The reason why Tianjiao was blown away by the prince before was just because he underestimated the enemy.

If the Tianjiao is serious, even the ordinary quasi-emperor will be capable of one or two enemies, and may even suppress the opponent.

"His Royal Highness, Jiang Shenzi of Soul Refining Demon Sect, Ren Shenzi of the Imperial Capital Ren Family, Tang Shenzi of My Wuyuan Tower, Wang Shenzi of the Imperial Capital King Family.

These high-ranking ancient sages with cultivation base reached the highest level, and their combat power was even more comparable to that of the peak ancient sages.

Not to mention, there are other Tianjiao. "

An old man in Qingyu Tower, who is very knowledgeable, also asserted at this moment.

All the strong nodded and agreed with the words of the old man.

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