Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1773: Holding the sky with one hand, dividing the world


The vast power has wiped out countless time and space!

Immediately afterwards, a punch was blasted out, and the brilliant light turned into a sky-shattering rainbow, shooting towards Qin Yi.

A group of gods also shot.


that moment.

Hundreds of **** sons work together.

The horrible wave shakes the chaos, and the universe shakes.

In the end, they are the one hundred gods, each one of them is a talented arrogant who has been carefully cultivated by the major forces and has experienced countless killings.

With all his strength, this chaos is boiling!

It was like a huge meteorite that fell into a calm lake, setting off huge waves, and breaking the surrounding chaotic air currents into nothingness!

Hundreds of different visions roared and moved, and the Nine Nether Demon Gods dominating the Demon Territory crashed in one fell swoop.

This force is completely comparable to a general quasi emperor's full blow, and even far superior.

The vision is shaking the sky, the **** son is unparalleled!

This terrible offensive caused all the strongmen of Qingyu Tower to change their colors and quickly withdrew to avoid their sharp edges.

"It has ended!"

The powerhouses shook their heads, and they had already begun to figure out how to find these arrogant talents and plan to make up for some losses after the battle.

In the face of this force, even if the prince is the quasi emperor, he would be seriously injured. By then, the fourth emperor would not be allowed to deal with it.

Even if the fourth emperor was cruel and ruined the foundation of the prince, it would not be difficult!

"It's over!"

Xia Xuanlong's face was pale, he mumbled as he watched the huge offensive in front of him.

The combined power of the Hundred Sons of God is too terrifying, and it is not the power they can resist.

The prince may survive, but he and Zhang Shan have to wait to die.

"Roar! Your Majesty, if I can die for you, I can be regarded as repaying the kindness of His Highness. I hope that His Highness can sue the elders for me in the future.

Speaking of Zhang Shan, he failed their cultivation! "

Zhang Shan roared, showing no fear, with a generous expression on his face.

It's worth dying in the hands of a hundred gods!

But the next moment.

Qin Yi smiled suddenly: "You two want to die, but this prince disagrees."

With that said, in the face of such a powerful offensive, Qin Yi's eyes lit up, and an invisible force wrapped around him and Xia Xuanlong, and it seemed to move to a distant time and space in an instant.

But it seems to be standing still, separated from many gods by a distant galaxy!


Immediately, he stretched out his hand, as if cutting through the eternal time and space.

They and the offensive that could crush everything, blocked them ten feet in front of them, and then disappeared, or in other words, fell into another world!

Hold the sky with one hand, divide the world!

"how is this possible?"

Many gods stared with wide eyes, and they couldn't believe it.

The fourth emperor changed suddenly and couldn't keep calm.


Even the thirteen emperors, who had been calm and calm, sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, showed a surprised expression on the side.

Immediately, the thirteen emperors thought of something, and their expression returned to calm.

"Come again!"

The fourth emperor roared and hit the strongest blow once again.

The violent mana poured down from the hands of a hundred gods, and the terrifying power crashed down, shocking people.

Qin Yi didn't move, allowing this force to strike, and it was like the previous blow, instantly eliminating Yuer!

"The eighth chapter of the Emperor Sutra?"

This time, the Fourth Emperor finally recognized this method.

However, because of recognition, his face became more and more ugly!

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