Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1774: One sweep, the son of God loses

Taichu Emperor Jing.

It was created by the great emperor in the early days, and was created by his own comprehension after becoming an emperor.

It is divided into ten levels, ten levels are the highest realm, which can condense nine illusory middle-thousand worlds, and its power is comparable to the real middle-thousand world of one party!

And the eighth level of realm can condense a small world of nine illusions, which can cut off other people's attacks with the power of space.

As long as this nine-square small world does not collapse at the same moment, it cannot be injured.

Isn't that the way Qin Yi revealed it?

"How is this possible, I don't believe it!"

The fourth emperor categorically shouted, unwilling to believe this scene.

He also practiced the Taichu Emperor Sutra. How could he not understand the difficulty of cultivation? It was many times greater than he thought.

He has practiced for thousands of years, and he has also entered the sixth state. His elder brother has practiced one or two million years before him, and he has stayed in the seventh state.

How could it be possible to travel through Eastern Xinjiang for hundreds of years and not only break through the quasi emperor, but also break through the eighth realm of the emperor's sutra of Taichu?

"What's impossible?"

Qin Yi's eyes were calm and said lightly.

The impossibility thought by the fourth emperor does not mean that it is really impossible.

Want to break through the realm of Taichu Emperor Jing?

One million killing points is enough!

The deity is scrupulous about its own foundation, and is unwilling to use the killing point to deduce the martial arts realm, but this clone has no such scruples.

At the cost of one million killing points, just as this clone broke through the quasi emperor, it pushed the realm of the Taichu Emperor Jing to the eighth realm!

"My prince said, you still can't hurt my prince!"

The corner of Qin Yi's mouth raised slightly, revealing a touch of sarcasm.

He is the emperor, and his promise must be fulfilled!

Only a hundred **** children, one force can be defeated.

In his eyes, these hundreds of so-called gods are no different from ants.

He originally thought that the fourth emperor could have any powerful means to threaten his clone.

But I didn't expect that the fourth emperor would want to rely on these hundred gods to defeat him?

Really look highly at this fourth emperor.

In other words, Qin Yi's vision is higher, and in the eyes of everyone, the means to kill everything is nothing but that.

‘In the entire Taichu Emperor Dynasty, perhaps the existence that can be called an opponent, there is only the Taichu Great Emperor. ’

Thinking of this, Qin Yi was somewhat disheartened.

In Qin Yi's eyes, everything that the fourth emperor relied on, the so-called imperial law of the early days, the rules of the Tianjiao feast, and the many gods, in Qin Yi's eyes, how different from playing?

In the eyes of Qin Yi, who has an emperor and a ‘life’ in his hands, it is nothing more than his recollection of the past games to get involved in this controversy.

At this moment, he didn't have the thought of playing around.

Too boring!


Qin Yi stomped his foot, and the bright silver light rose slowly like a big day.

The dazzling light shines on the chaos, illuminating the heavens and the universe.

In this silver light, a vast world rises and falls in it, earth, water, fire and wind flow, mountains and rivers rise, and the sea is surging!

Countless chaotic auras escaped from it, hanging down hundreds of millions of divine lights, piercing countless worlds, piercing the void, as if shaking the entire chaotic turbulent flow!

The world hangs high, crushing the heavens!


In an instant, those countless gods headed towards many gods.

As soon as many gods touched the gods, the next moment, it was like being hit by a heavy hammer, and the whole person was knocked into chaos for tens of thousands of miles!

His clothes shattered, and his breath immediately wilted.

Sweep in one go!

Son of God defeated!

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