Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1775: How can summer insects be ice


Hundreds of gods fell into the void, their auras decayed, their bodies were bruised and bruised, their bones and muscles were broken, and scarlet blood spilled into chaos.

Even some gods with weaker cultivation bases were almost crushed by the air!

Just one step, defeat the god!

The many emperors who had just become invincible were swept away in an instant.

What a terrifying force this is, mighty force!

If you say that before, everyone still has the confidence to say that many gods just look down on them, and they will be overthrown by the prince when they are caught off guard.

So now, they can't say this sentence.

"No, how could this be, how could it be so strong!"

The many gods all looked at Qin Yi with horror, all of them palpitated.

At that moment, they all felt that they would be killed on the spot, as if they were powerless facing an invincible emperor.

Such a huge gap in strength broke all their illusions.

Hundreds of gods join forces, can they be against the prince?

This is a joke!

No matter how arrogant the gods are, they can see that the gap between them and the prince has reached an unimaginable level.

If it were not for the prince to keep his hands, at least half of them would have fallen.

"No, it shouldn't be, how could it be so powerful.

Even if the prince breaks through the eighth level of the Taichu Emperor Sutra, he shouldn't be so strong. This is a hundred gods! "

The old man in Qingyu Tower who pointed the country and asserted that the prince was defeated had an unbelievable look and surprise in his eyes.

As an old man of the Taichu Emperor's dynasty, he hadn't seen the mighty power of the Taichu Emperor Jing.

Many princes of the Taichu Emperor also practiced the Taichu Emperor Jing, and many of them stepped into the eighth level of the Taichu Emperor Jing, but they were not so powerful.

Not only the strong in Qingyu Tower, but Xia Xuanlong was stunned.

"The prince is so powerful!"

"Prince is invincible!"

"Sweeping the world invincible, the power of the prince is too strong!"

Xia Xuanlong was dumbfounded and excited.

The two of them were already ready to die, but they didn't expect such a shocking reversal.

Sweep in one blow, invincible.

In the eyes of the two of them, Qin Yi, who was bathed in divine glory, stood proudly in the chaos like a god.


A large mouthful of blood spewed out of the fourth emperor's mouth, his face was gloomy, and he looked at Qin Yi unwillingly, and the spiteful flames in his eyes kept burning.

He is unwilling!

Obviously he occupies an absolute advantage and carries the general trend of a hundred gods. Not only can he clear out his big brother, even thirteen can also be cleared out.

With the help of the east wind of this Tianjiao banquet, all obstacles to his ascent before the Emperor of the Beginning can be eliminated!

However, at the foot of Qin Yi, everything was broken!

"How can summer insects be called ice?"

Qin Yi's eyes were as deep as an abyss, staring at the fourth emperor indifferently.

What is the difference between the invincible trend in your eyes and playing around in my eyes?

Break it!

In the face of unstoppable power, all calculations are just jokes, can it hurt a piece of his hair?

Only by knowing that ants steal their lives, and having a humble and awe-inspiring mind, can they survive by human feet!

If the fourth emperor and others don't come to provoke him, he may not attack them.

It's just a distinction between horizons.

In the eyes of the fourth emperor, the position of the emperor in the early days is as important as a million.

But in Qin Yi's eyes, it is not worth mentioning, how can a so-called emperor's position be comparable to the entire Taichu Dynasty?

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