Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1781: Throw beans into soldiers, reappear

Qin Yi.

Raise your hand, a little bit empty, the bright brilliance flowing at your fingertips.

In an instant.

Brilliant glory!


Shining like the golden brilliance of the sun, swaying hundreds of millions of miles of chaos, shining on the chaos, and tyrannical to terrifying power, bred in it.

The densely dense Taoism seems to be looming in Jinhui China, the strong breath blasted through countless miles, and the coercion of the heavens!

"what is this?"

From a distance, all the gods were stunned.

From this golden halo like a big sun, they could feel the heart-palpitating power.

If you have to describe it, then this power burst out, and it can even wipe them out!


There was a huge roar from the golden sun, and a slight halo escaped from it, forcibly blocking the devilish energy and sword intent of the two masters of the Soul Refining Demon Sect.

The power of the two quasi-emperors could not gain any more!

In the halo, the rhyme flows, like a vast river of time, the sky is full of stars, and the sky is dead.

In a flash, it seems that tens of millions of years have passed!

What can be done for tens of millions of years, the sea is not there, and the vicissitudes of land can be overturned, even if a world has experienced thousands of years, it will be earth-shaking changes.

"The power of time, or the power of the Avenue of Time?"

Qin Yi felt a little surprised at the changes.

He once used the magical power of throwing beans into soldiers in the realm of emergence, condensing hundreds of gods in the realm of emergence.

Since then, he has never used this magical power again.

This is the second time he has used this magical power, and the changes in it have exceeded his expectations, and he has realized the power of time from it.

Three thousand avenues, every avenue has a powerful force, and it is the most important power for cultivation after the countless cultivators of the heavens and the world have entered the realm of eclosion.

Among them, the avenues of destiny, power, space, and time are in the forefront, and the Emperor’s Road is the most special!

The Avenue of Time is also among the Avenues of Three Thousands, ranking second only to the Avenue of Destiny, alongside the Avenues of Power and Space.

It is one of the best avenues among the three thousand avenues!

"Throwing beans into soldiers actually involves the power of Time Avenue?"

Qin Yi thought about it, and then suddenly.

The so-called creation of invincible gods in the void is actually based on a little spiritual source, and in thousands of years, countless gods have been condensed.

Tens of thousands of years, the change of years, can naturally condense a powerful god.


In the golden halo, infinite power and vast aura gathered under the action of invisible traction.

The surrounding chaos seems to have formed a huge aura vortex, pouring infinite aura into it!

The law is shaking, if there are gods and demons singing!

The towering heavenly palace emerges in the golden halo, the jade building is carved, the dragon and the phoenix dance between the golden and silver luangs, like the reappearance of the ancient heavenly court.

Jin Guang Wan Dao sprays purple mist, and a thousand spirits shine in the world!


At this time, in front of the heavenly palace, a group of figures gradually formed in it, each of which was extremely tall and cast in golden armor.

The ancient divine sword, the breath of Cangyuan, this is the heavenly soldier of the ancient heaven!

The aura of every golden armored general is comparable to that of an ancient sage giant.

But the point is that there are hundreds of golden armored generals!

Do not!


With supernatural powers, you can become a soldier with a single thought and wave!

The six-star supernatural powers cast beans into soldiers, and their powers reappear!

Thousands of gods can be condensed!

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