Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1782: Shocked no, the prince’s supernatural powers


A big banner blasted fiercely in the void, and tens of thousands of golden armored gods appeared in front of everyone.

*The momentum is like Huanghuang Tianwei!

The golden armor, golden sword, and golden battle robe shine like golden sun.


A pair of indifferent eyes opened slowly, indifferent to the extreme, as cold as a real dragon overlooking the ants under their feet.


The incomparable power, like a sacred mountain smashed down, shook the surrounding chaos.

Thousands of ancient sages, how terrible is this power?

Many gods have never seen it before, but now they have truly seen thousands of ancient sages, how terrifying it is to release their momentum together!

This kind of aura, the aura that a hundred gods had previously released together, is nothing compared with that.

A hundred times the gap!

The sun and the moon are sinking, and the universe is changing!

Thousands of ancient sages are not impossible to find in the Taichu Emperor's dynasty, but besides the Taichu Emperor, who can gather thousands of ancient sages?

Except for some distant old people, who can say that they have seen such a power!

"This, how is this possible, thousands of ancient sages can be cast with a wave of hands?"

In Qingyu Tower, the oldest old man, exclaimed in exclamation, as if he was demented.

Such a method is simply unheard of!

Thousands of ancient saints and gods can be gathered in a single thought?

With such a lineup, he had only seen such an army built by more than a thousand ancient sages when the Great Emperor opened up his dynasty 30 million years ago.

Thirty million years ago, the local forces in the Great World at the beginning of the Great World made up three thousand ancient sage giants in an attempt to smash the emperor.

There are four quasi-emperors under the command of the Great Emperor, who are invincible!

In the end, it was the emperor who took the shot himself, and slapped these three thousand ancient sages to death, establishing the victory.

Although there are only a thousand gods and generals comparable to ancient sages, the problem is that there is no emperor supreme here!

Even the countless powerhouses in the Great World of the Beginning, were also alarmed by this breath, cast their divine thoughts, and paid attention to this place.

"What kind of supernatural power is this, derived from that supreme heritage?"

"It seems that the prince has traveled the eastern frontier for hundreds of years, and he should find an inheritance of supreme existence in order to break through the emperor!"

"For now, it should be like this."

The divine thoughts of countless powerful people are rapidly communicating.

In an instant, they seemed to see the root cause of the prince's change, and only a heritage of supreme existence could have such a change.

Only for this reason can the prince undergo such a big transformation in such a short period of time.

"If the prince can suppress the situation, suppress the old ghost Lian and the old ghost without sword, this time the battle for the concubine will come to an end!"

"Let's take a look, the old ghost refining and the old ghost without a sword are not friendly characters. The prince only has one person, and it may not be able to suppress the two."

"The sword skill of the old ghost without sword has reached the point where it is almost Dao, which is much more difficult to deal with than the madman."

Countless strong people are very interested.

For most of the powerhouses above the ancient sage giants, the battle to seize the princes has no effect, and their allegiance is only to the Emperor Taichu.

Furthermore, even if some of the emperor's sons became the emperor of the beginning, as long as the cultivation base did not break through the realm of the emperor.

The status and status, at best, overwhelm the general quasi emperor!

In addition, there is not much impact on them, this is not the throne of the ordinary world.

Everything in the early imperial dynasty was still respected by cultivation.

Only when the cultivation base is high can you conquer everything!

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