Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1787: Sect Master of Soul Refining Demon Sect still has a hole card


A magic spear pierced the void.

The turbulent magic flame, burning frantically, burned the surrounding space, and even the chaotic essence was also burned out.

The Sect Master of the Soul Refining Demon Sect was holding a spear, like a Nine Nether Demon God, sweeping the sky with one shot.

The surging breath, unscrupulously diffuse!

Hundreds of thousands of wisps of demon energy have fallen and evolved into the strongest demon world, in which countless creatures who have fallen in the hands of the master of the soul refining demon sect roar in it.

A statue of the Nine Nether Demon God wailed sorrowfully, the majestic evil spirit was tumbling, and it slapped Qin Yi again.


A magic sword, bright and dazzling.

The sun, moon and stars are engraved on it, and the supreme true dragon lies on the hilt of the sword.

There is even the most dazzling sword light, moving on the divine sword, exuding the aura of cutting through the sun and the moon and penetrating the world.

The sword light swallows the world, and it is inspiring!


A sound that shook the entire Taichu Great World, shaking the chaos, as if the chaos was shaking and roaring.

The terrible collision is hidden in this roar.

The collision of the emperor's sword light and the Wanli Demon Realm, the collision of the sword intent and the spear intent, collided at the junction of the two!


A ray of aftermath escaped from the demon realm, not knowing how much space was shattered.

The many gods were shocked, and if they stepped forward, they might not even be able to stop the aftermath.

This kind of power has touched the edge of the emperor, but it is not the power that they can contend with, the warriors who are no more than seven or eight saints.


The Sovereign of Soul Refining Demon Sect summoned, covering all the surrounding demon world.

The divine sword and the magic spear collided out of thin air, shaking the entire demon world, and the sword light and demon energy lingered, as if it could break a world at any time.

The two fiercely collided, bursting into an unknown amount of space!

The gods were watching and could only see the aftermath of the escape, but the spirit of many powerful people could use secret methods to observe the battle.

"Prince, can actually suppress the refining devil and the swordless old ghost at the same time?"

"What a solid foundation, what a terrible spirit!"

"Half-Emperor Nian, this is the Half-Emperor Nian who has spent the refining star!

The emperor is hopeful!

This has reached a strength comparable to the top three on the emperor's waiting list. It is terrifying. Did the prince obtain the inheritance of an ancient strong emperor? "

Many strong people sigh.

The prince's hole cards were one after another, which really surprised them. Everyone had lived for at least ten to twenty million years, and they had to be amazed by the prince's strength.

Such strength is already comparable to some old antiques that have survived 30 to 40 million years!

In the Demon World.

"Jie Jie Jie! The prince didn't expect your divine consciousness to be so powerful, almost almost reaching the point of condensing the emperor's mind.

Divine weapons condensed with divine minds can contend with Jiuyou Demon Spear.

It's a pity that you don't want to surrender the secret method that condenses the gods. I can only kill you, ancestors, and escape from the east! "

The Sect Master of Soul Refining Demon Sect uses divine consciousness to transmit his voice, and he is not worried that he will be detected by the divine aspirations of other powerful people.


The only one who responded to the Sect Master of Soul Refining Demon Sect was a clanging sword sound, and the divine sword trembled, gradually suppressing the magic spear.

The sword light was dazzling, extinguishing countless surging demon qi, gathering the vast demon qi in it, and shattering it.

The emperor's divine sword condensed by Qin Yi's spiritual thoughts, brilliance hunting and hunting, exudes a wave of invisible coercion, and the demon world gradually collapses.

"Prince, do you think I only have this means?"

The Sovereign of Soul Refining Demon Sect didn't care much and joked.

Immediately, his left hand turned over and a palm-sized stone appeared in his hand.

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