Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1788: Soul Refining Demon Stone


A stone was solemnly taken out by the Sect Master of Soul Refining Demon Sect.

At the moment this stone appeared, the endless air of darkness filled the entire demon world.

The yin wind roars, the cold is biting!

This is different from the demon realm condensed by the master of the soul refining demon sect, which is mixed with endless death aura, pure evil aura!

From this stone, there was a deep and extremely deep breath of darkness, which condensed into water droplets, like lava flowing from a volcano.

And this kind of ‘magma’ carries the aura of obliterating everything.

Wherever he passes, life is dying, and eternity returns to the ruins, as if to obliterate all living beings in the world.


What's more terrifying is that from time to time there is the sound of ghost crying and wolf howling, and there seems to be a terrifying demon **** in it.

"this is?"

"This is the treasure of the Soul Refining Demon Sect, the Soul Refining Demon Stone."

"It is said that it is the soul-refining demon sect, the most precious treasure that has been passed down for nearly 70 million years, and contains terrible power.

Every generation of Soul Refining Sect Master will have millions of souls, pouring on it and adding its power.

It is said that the Sect Master of each generation of Soul Refining Demon Sect will pour himself on the Soul Refining Demon Stone before his death. "

"Unexpectedly, refining the old ghost was really willing to take out the soul refining demon stone."

Many powerhouses were amazed, a little staggering.

This soul-refining demon stone, but the thing at the bottom of the soul-refining demon sect, seldom uses this thing.

Every time it is used, a lot of the essence of the soul refining demon stone will be consumed.

But in terms of power, it is comparable to a quasi-imperial weapon, and even at the expense of the original source, it can explode the power of the imperial weapon.

Of course, this is just a rumor, no one knows whether it is true or false.

"Jie Jie Jie, you can die with peace of mind, prince, I will make good use of the secret technique you left to advance to the supreme!"

After taking out the Soul Refining Demon Stone, the Sect Master of the Soul Refining Demon Sect became even more frenzied, laughing ferociously.

The power of the soul-refining demon stone radiated around his body, setting off it like a terrifying demon **** walking out of the Nine Nether Earth!

The devil is in the world, there is no fairy in the world!


The Sect Master of the Soul Refining Demon Sect suddenly withdrew the Jiuyou Demon Spear, and the Soul Refining Demon Stone suddenly smashed out.


The divine sword made by Qin Yi's mind was sharp and unparalleled, comparable to the Emperor Dragon Sword, but after all, it was not the real Emperor Dragon Sword.

Under the bombardment of the soul refining demon stone, cracks appeared.

Even, it was penetrated by the ghostly aura on the soul-refining demon stone, attached to a layer of dark demon energy, and lost its luster.

"Our sect's most precious soul-refining demon stone has been handed down in the hands of my sect's powerful sect master, and it has been nourished by my ancestors' souls for nearly 50 million years.

I once used this treasure to kill ten peak ancient sages in the realm of the peak ancient sage. Today, I added another soul to the demon stone.

That is the prince, your soul! "

The Sect Master of the Soul Refining Demon Sect laughed fiercely, and the darkness of the Soul Refining Demon Stone in his hand was full of darkness, as dense as ink, containing terrifying power of the ghost.

Countless nether powers are like the vast ocean, instantly sweeping the entire Demon Realm world, full of the power to bury the heavens.

This power overwhelmed the sky and enveloped Qin Yi. If Qin Yi's figure could be seen in the vast demon energy before, then Qin Yi's figure was directly swallowed by this ghostly power.

The divine sword that traverses the sky has also completely lost its brilliance and was left to be swallowed up in the netherworld!

In an instant, submerged in endless nether aura and devil aura!

The devilish energy is overwhelming, and the darkness is vertical and horizontal!

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