Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1789: The horror of Soul Refining Demon Stone

"This soul-refining demon stone is really terrifying, this nether power is like the aura that originated from the deepest part of the Nine Nether Abyss, which is frightening."

"The power of this soul-refining demon stone cannot be found in the entire Great Beginning World. Aside from the Great Beginning Treasure Wheel, it seems that it is also the Tianwai Pavilion’s Meteorite Sword and the Imperial Capital. Few pieces such as Mo's'Thousand Heart Halberd' can match it."

"It took 50 million years to build this war weapon, how can it be weak."

Many strong men sighed.

However, everyone looked at it, but suddenly realized something was wrong.

It stands to reason that the Sect Master of the Soul Refining Demon Sect has an absolute advantage, overwhelming the prince in one fell swoop, and suppressing the prince.

However, judging from the situation in the Demon World, this is not the case.

The Sect Master of the Soul Refining Demon Sect did not keep his hands, but was using the power of the Soul Refining Demon Stone to hit the prince!

This is to take the life of the prince!

"Damn it, Lian Old Ghost!"

"Is the old ghost crazy? Does he want to die?"

"You actually want to seize the prince's supernatural powers, want to kill people for treasure?"

The strong people were furious and shouted.

If the prince dies tragically and the magical powers and secrets on his body are plundered by the Sect Master of Soul Refining Demon Sect, all the strong present will be punished by the Great!

This is not a trivial matter. The emperor of the early imperial dynasty has never fallen. Even if the fourth disciple competed with the thirteen emperors and princes so fiercely, it did not hurt the other's life.

What's more, if the prince falls in front of many powerful imperial dynasties, this event is enough to alarm the entire primordial dynasty, provoke the great emperor's anger and anger.

The most important thing is that His Royal Highness has shown the qualifications of becoming an emperor. Even if the emperor may not know it, it does not mean that they can forget this. If the emperor knows, they will sit and watch the prince fall into the hands of the master of the soul refinement demon sect. Not to mention taking their lives, there is no escape from delamination!

"Take a shot, stop this dog, and you must not let this person hurt His Royal Highness!"

"Hurry up!"

"Don't keep your hands, those who stay in the imperial capital hurry to Qingyu Tower!"

Many strong men could no longer sit still, and a strong man quickly rushed to Qingyu Tower.

Demon World.


I saw the terrifying nether power, horizontally and horizontally in the void, swallowing everything that could be seen in front of me, the aura originating from the Nine Nethers, shaking this huge chaos, and corroding countless worlds.


The powerhouses seemed to be rushing to death, and the speed of their arrival accelerated.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

The hoarse voice of the Sect Master of Soul Refining Demon Sect was like a low voice of Ye Xiao, his scarlet eyes glowing with deep blood, bright and vivid.

He knew very well the power of the Soul Refining Demon Stone. This mysterious stone, which did not know where it came from, contained a terrifying nether power. First, the Soul Refining Demon Sect Master suspected that it might come from the terrifying Nine Nether Abyss.

After the cultivation of the masters of the soul-refining demon sects, they use their own souls, blood, and the souls of countless creatures as bait, and continue to cultivate, which contains at least the power of dozens of peak ancient sages, or comparable to four The energy of the five quasi emperors is not terrible!

The power of four or five quasi emperors is four or five times that of ordinary quasi emperors, not to mention that the power in the soul demon stone is contaminated with the aura of the Nine Nether Abyss. Under the same amount of energy, it is more than The mana in the general quasi-emperor’s body is ten times, or even a hundred times higher!

The difference in it is like the difference between chaotic essence and heaven and earth aura!

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