Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1793: Sect Master of Soul Refining Demon Sect is dead


A gun shot.

A vast expanse of demon aura, Senhan's gloomy breath, filled the chaos, with a sharp edge that pierced everything.


A spear, a magic roar.

Sect Master of the crazy soul refining demon sect, holding the Nine Nether Demon Spear, with the evil abyss aura, the sharp black light of the spear's tip, even the void is torn apart.

After pouring the power of the soul-refining demon stone, the power of the Nine Nether Demon Spear became more terrifying.

"No, go quickly, this guy Lian Old Ghost is going to work hard!"

The powerhouses were shocked and did not dare to stay.

The Nine Nether Demon Spear spurred by the Soul Refining Demon Stone was more terrifying than before, and it was unparalleled.

This blow has reached the threshold of the emperor's blow.

One blow shook the sun and moon void, bursting out the power to knock down the galaxy.

"Essence and blood lost!"

This is more than that, the soul refining demon sect master screamed wildly.

The power of the soul-refining demon stone in his hand continued to spread and merged into the body of the soul-refining demon sect master, a series of hideous and terrifying blue lines appeared on the soul-refining demon sect master.

The evil and weird aura seemed to communicate with the Nine Nether Abyss.


The aura of the Sect Master of Soul Refining Demon Sect skyrocketed, as if the Demon God in the abyss was resurrected, and his body was wrapped around the Nether Law as thick as an arm.

At this moment, the Sect Master of the Soul Refining Demon Sect had absorbed nearly half of the power of the Soul Refining Demon Stone with the power of his body, blessing his body.

Like a demon!

The devilish energy shocks the sun and the moon, and the ghost scrolls forever!

"Drive me!"

The master of the Soul Refining Demon Sect stepped through the chaos and pierced for nine days.

This was already the strongest blow he had made in his life, refining the immense power of the soul demon stone, and even stuffed his body.

The power of horror tore his flesh apart, his eyes, ears, nose, nose, and seven orifices bleed, and he was almost bursting by the unsupportable power!

But he still didn't care, only the world thrown by Qin Yi before him.


This gun soared, pierced countless spaces that existed in nothingness, and shattered countless worlds floating in nothingness.

This gun was born for birth.

When all the gods saw the sharp edge of this gun, they all felt that their souls were about to split, and they might be penetrated by this strong sharp edge.

Many of the gods of the six-fold realm of the saints are just a mouthful of ‘wow’, spewing big mouths of blood.

Even the many powerful people who came here did not dare to look directly at this spear light.


Even at the beginning of the Great World, there was a will in the depths of the Great World, which issued a surprise and was startled by this force.

The Sect Master of the Soul Refining Demon Sect is solemn, not moved by others, only a shot.

However, Qin Yi's expression was indifferent, overlooking the soul-refining demon sect master who pierced the world, like an immortal who lives high in the nine days, looking down from the clouds, watching the mortals clamoring to break through the heaven.

Pity his ridiculous, pity his fate.

Of course.

For our enemy, only death!


Qin Yi tapped lightly, and a touch of divine light fell into the illusory world.

At that moment, there seemed to be creatures roaring in the world, and the roar of divine beasts between the ups and downs, and the rules of building the world were roaring.

Earth, water, fire and wind rotate, the universe and yin and yang merge.

No matter how furious the Sect Master of Soul Refining Demon Sect was, it turned into nothingness under Qin Yi's blow, unable to shake anything.


With the pressure of the illusory world, the tens of thousands of miles of chaos where the Soul Refining Demon Sect Master stood was shrouded in terrible divine light.

A vast expanse, only the collision of the power of the nether and the power of the world.


Faintly, many gods and strong men heard a crisp sound, and then an incredible roar.

"This is impossible!"

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