Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1794: Everyone's shock


A terrifying blast echoed in the chaos.

The powerful divine light covered thousands of miles of chaos, and the terrifying aftermath made people dare not easily contend, and could only avoid it far away.

It was like the anger of a god, raging in the chaos.

Gradually, the power of the netherworld seemed to be unable to hold on, and it shattered in an instant, and the light on it dimmed.

A wisp of breath disappeared in a very short time!

The power of the vast world, a little bit overwhelming the power of the Nether, the Nether dispersed, and the pale face of the master of the Soul Refining Demon Sect could be seen.


The Jiuyou Demon Spear in his hand was shattering little by little, until the end, it lost its original luster.

The laws lingering on it also shattered little by little, turning into pieces.

"Do not!"

The Sect Master of the Soul Refining Demon Sect yelled unwillingly. He tried to draw power from the Soul Refining Demon Stone to bless himself in an attempt to break the terrible confinement brought by the illusory world.

However, the illusory world thrown by Qin Yi is too powerful. It has sealed the surrounding space for thousands of miles. The power of nine illusory small thousand worlds is already comparable to that of the thousand worlds in one party, and even worse. .

If the Sect Master of the Soul Refining Demon Sect was a great emperor, there would be no problem at all, he could carry this power with one effort.

The integration of the nine illusory small worlds is said to be comparable to the middle one, but in fact it is much worse.

Moreover, even in the real Zhongqian world, a great emperor can be defeated with his own power, and the mighty power belongs to him, and the power of a great emperor, if there is no power at the same level, is enough to kill everything!

But the problem is that the Sect Master of the Soul Refining Demon Sect is only a quasi-emperor. With the power of the Soul Refining Demon Stone, he can burst out an attack comparable to the Great Emperor for a short time. After all, he is not his own power, and his body cannot withstand such a powerful force. .

In less than five breaths, the body of the Sect Master of Soul Refining Demon Sect had shattered, and his body was bathed with blood, like broken ceramics, almost collapsed!


In the sky, the world slowly pressed down, and the Tao roared in the void, containing the strongest and terrifying power.

"Do not!"

The Sect Master of the Soul Refining Demon Sect wailed bitterly, and condensed a huge barrier with the power in the Soul Refining Demon Stone, attempting to use this power to resist the illusory world, so he could take the opportunity to escape from here.

However, his body has long been unable to support his intense consumption!

at last.


When the Sect Master of the Soul Refining Demon Sect drew the power of the Soul Refining Demon Stone again, his body could no longer support him, and his body collapsed.

Immediately, the illusory world fell, and the body of the soul-refining demon sect master shattered a little bit, and even the soul was directly crushed by the power of the illusion world, without a little leftover, all turned into fly ash.

Only that remains, the soul-refining demon stone quietly suspended in the void, exuding a coquettish halo!

At this point, the Sovereign of Soul Refining Demon Sect, die!

A statue in the Great World of the Beginning, also at the top level in the Eastern Frontier, died like this!

that moment.

In the chaos, countless gods looked at all this dumbfounded, unable to speak for a long time.

Such an emperor who entered the quasi-emperor was also a great figure in the imperial dynasty of the early dynasty. Even if they were extremely talented, they were hailed as the "child of god", but it only represented that they had a little qualification to become an emperor.

For most of the gods, Emperor Cheng is still unattainable, not the realm they can snoop.

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