Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1945: Unfortunately

The wind howled.

The silvery snow is sprinkled.

This is a white and boundless world, everything is silent, and there is silence in the world.

The frost-covered mountains stand tall in the sky, exuding the air of frost and freezing, like a giant standing on the sky.

The momentum is magnificent!

This place is the fifth world of Dilu, a world dominated by the Frost Cold Demon Ape clan.

The Frost Cold Demon Ape, a family known for its physical body among the many Nine Nether monsters, especially good at close combat!

Moreover, the Frost Cold Demon Ape clan is the most hostile to humans, and when they see humans, they will definitely fight with humans. Either you die or I die!

It is said that the origin of this can be traced back to ancient times, when the Nine Nether Abyss invaded the heavens and all realms.

Of course, if you have to clarify the reason, I am afraid that even the Heavenly Lord standing on the top of the heavens and ten thousand realms cannot clearly explain the reason.


On a frost-covered mountain, a snow-white ape with the size of a hundred meters is lying on the top of the mountain, and there is a blue-brown road under the ape.

If anyone can come here, they can recognize that this is a Frost Cold Demon Ape!

It is still a peak ancient sage realm, and the combat power is comparable to the frost cold demon ape of the general quasi emperor!


Of course, if this wronged ape is really seen by others, it will probably never have the face to see people.

On this frosty ape, there is a man with a silver-haired shawl sitting cross-legged.

The sparkling snowflakes fell, falling on the man's body less than three feet away, before being vaporized and disappeared.

"Damn human!"

Shuangbai Mountain, that is, the Frost Cold Demon Ape whispered quietly, looking at the human man on it with a wry expression.

If the eyes could kill people, Frost White Mountain would have robbed this human man alive!

Unfortunately, this can only be thought of.

"Where did the killing **** come from? According to the clan records, every fifty million humans or monsters who come to this world are waste?

How could such a human killer suddenly appear? "

Shuangbaishan couldn't help trembling when he thought of the horror of this human being.

Nearly a year ago, this guy suddenly appeared in this world. When Shuangbai Mountain first saw this human being, it didn't care about this human being.

I want to shoot it to death, how can I think this guy is a monster!

It was blown away with one punch, and the entire group, hundreds of compatriots, attacked him together, but the monster killed dozens of them, and the rest were seriously injured, and even took away the guardian of the group for tens of millions of years. Snow mountain **** lotus.

Finally, it will be captured as a modern tool.

The slightest discomfort is punching and kicking!

Unfortunately for Saru!

It's not that it has not resisted, every time it is tortured by this guy, it is worse than death!

It even suspects that this guy is a devil in human skin!

"The great ancestor is on the top, this ape is only forced to succumb to the **** of this human being, ancestors, you must forgive me!"

Shuangbai Mountain wailed in my heart.

"The great ancestor is here, please bless the ancestors, let this guy leave here quickly!"

Shuangbaishan prayed in his heart.

According to clan records, this guy will only stay in this world for one year, and the year is about to end, this guy will leave this world.

Just thinking.

The silver-haired man on Shuangbaishan suddenly moved.


The splendid Jinhui burst from the man.

At the same time, a huge breath spread from the man!

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