Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1946: Acupuncture point Jinhui, physical body Shenxia


As far as the eye can see, one after another mountains rise from the ground, majestic.

The endless frosty clouds are like white jade belts, covering these mountains, and the world is killing!

This is an icy world, and everything you see is a piece of white snow. The whole world seems to be frozen, everything is lonely, and the snow is flying!

A fluttering university, like broken jade dancing in a flurry.

The sky is filled with eloquence!


At this moment, on a ten-thousand-meter high mountain, a burst of blood suddenly rose, as if a golden beam of light rushed straight into the nine heavens.


In the glorious shining, the blood surging like a dragon!

The huge roar sounded even more like a long river roaring, like a reckless behemoth from an ancient prehistoric awakening from its sleep.

This thunderous roar shook tens of thousands of miles, shook the whole world, and shocked all the existence in this world!

At this moment, all the creatures on this side, whether it was the existence of the Frost Cold Demon Ape clan, or the trialists of Dilu, felt this breath.

"this is?"

In the territory where the Frost Cold Demon Clan is located, a group of sturdy and white Frost Cold Demon apes looked in horror towards the vast mountain that showed their vision.

It must be that guy!

It must be the guy who took the treasure of the clan and slaughtered hundreds of compatriots, it must be this demon!

What to do, this guy actually broke through again!

The patriarch who was captured by this demon didn't know what happened?

"Which power is this? This breath?"

On the green-brown emperor's road, a woman with eyebrows like emerald feathers, muscles like snow, and wearing a silk palace dress is also stunned to look at the mountain where the vision is revealed.

In her eyes, in that bright golden beam of light, a deity was revealed, and the breath alone could crush the ages and shake the sun and the moon.

It seems that the laws are manifested from the void.

If she didn't know that the emperor would not enter the emperor road, she would have thought it was an emperor coming here, and the horror in her heart could hardly be restrained.

"Is this a wild ancient **** son? The **** son who was cultivated into the extreme physical body in the legend?"

She couldn't help muttering.

In her impression, only this one's body is so powerful, just like the ancient wild dragon, whose energy and blood are about to merge into the power of a day dragon!

If it is really an ancient **** child, wouldn't she be extremely lucky if she hadn't met this **** child in the previous year?

Rumor has it that the ancient **** child is not a good temper, and if he doesn't go well, he will kill people!

"Dilu Temple Spirit, I admit defeat, I want to leave here!"

The woman hesitated for a while and said decisively.

No matter how good the Great Secret of Emperor Cheng is, she must have life and enjoyment. Moreover, her purpose in coming to Emperor Road is not to compete for the Great Secret of Cheng Emperor, but to sharpen herself.

Prior to this, she had achieved her goal through the tempering of the Fourfold Emperor Road.

In the face of an invincible existence, whether it is the ancient **** child or not, it is not an opponent she can deal with.

The next moment, a bright beam of light enveloped the woman, and then the woman had disappeared in place.

What happened here, Qin Yi, who was sitting on the mountain and hammering his flesh, didn't realize that he was still sitting on Shuangbai Mountain.


The blood in his body flows like silver mercury, making a earth-shaking roar, shaking the void!

The acupuncture points everywhere are blooming with golden glory, and countless golden clouds and rainbows appear all over the body!

Acupuncture point Jinhui, the physical body Shenxia!

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