Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1979: Kun Yuan's trump card, refining the sky


The lines of gods continue to spread in the void, like weaving a huge array, covering the whole world in it.


Like an immortal immortal holding a pen, dropping his handwriting in the void.

Between the golden hook and the silver, the volley wrote a large array in the endless void, and countless **** patterns were interwoven to form an unimaginable large array.

"Liantian Great Formation!"

Kun Yuan shook his wings suddenly, and the sound was like nine days of thunder.


As soon as the words came out, if the gods uttered divine sounds, the world of Fangdilu seemed to be under the words of Kun Yuan, and suddenly all shook together.

The divine intent contained in Kun Yun's words actually seemed to shake the boundless world and the law of swallowing in the underworld.

Countless **** patterns bloomed with vast divine glory, revealing their own glory in the void.

If you look closely, you can find out where the gods are, it is clear that they are the laws of swallowing, manifesting in the void, and being inspired by Kun Yuan!

Countless **** patterns encompass the entire Dilu world.


When this great formation was formed, the whole world trembled suddenly, and the boundless divine light shone in all directions, vast and vast!

The terrifying and vigorous aura poured down like a waterfall, and the Dilu roared under this aura, shaking the world!

"this is?"

Shuangbaishan was stunned.

What kind of big array is this?

A large formation that can cover the entire world, I am afraid it is not a great formation of Emperor Pin, and I don't want to go far, right?

Even in the end, this great array merged and turned into a huge furnace tripod, a furnace tripod covering the six worlds of Dilu!

At the end of this furnace, the entire Dilu seemed to tremble, and the existence that still existed in the Dilu seemed to feel something, and looked at this world with deep eyes.

"This is Kun Yuan?"

"Kun Yuan, what is this going to do? Isn't this the strongest formation of the Yao Kun clan, the Tiantian formation?"

"Who can force him to take out all the things at the bottom of the box? Cang Yunzi?"

A supreme being has countless thoughts in his heart.

It's just that across the world, everyone can only see Kun Yuan outside the world, but they can't see who is in the world.

No one wanted to go and find out.

But not everyone is as crazy as Kun Yuan, who has the confidence to defy the rules that exist in Emperor Road, and is willing to pay an extremely heavy price for this.

"Interestingly, using the sky as the furnace and the world as the tripod, to refine a pill, and to be able to figure out the existence of this method, it is a great person."

In the dark, a will that hung high above Emperor Road also cast his eyes.

"However, if you want to truly refine a world, I am afraid that this little demon Kun's strength alone can't be achieved, right?"

The will just glanced lightly, and commented casually.

At his level, even this imperial formation from the hands of the great emperor of the Yao Kun clan would just make him a little bit interested.

That's it.

"Well, this little demon Kun actually wants to refining, seems to be the little guy who refused the orders of the spirit of the temple, his heir?

Interesting, this little guy actually stepped into the Sixth World of Dilu? "

"Well, if this little guy can't resist, the spirit of the temple will send this little guy out of Emperor Road. As for this little demon Kun, stay in Emperor Road!"

"If you dare to violate the rules left by Tianzun, you will have to pay some price, right?"

The will whispered.

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