Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1980: Furnace the enemy, the tripod casts the pill

Before the Sixth World of Emperor Road.

"Kang Dang!"

A divine sound that resembled the explosion of billions of thunders, and rolling waves suddenly rose in the void, instantly blasting countless emperor road worlds!

A wisp of air is even breaking the five-layer world of the Fangdilu!


A statue that supports Qingming on the top and the void on the bottom, the simple and vast furnace tripod stands tall in the endless void.

And Qin Yi, Shuangbai Mountain, and even this six-fold world of Fangdilu were enveloped in the furnace tripod, and countless divine patterns that swallowed the emperor were painted all over the furnace wall.

"What is this?"

Shuangbaishan's eyes widened.

The next moment, Shuangbai Mountain's expression changed wildly, his eyes widened, and the entire ape's face showed an indescribable expression, which was an expression of despair.

Because it recognizes the origin of this thing!

In its bloodline inheritance memory, there is a detailed record of this similar thing!

Draw a circle with the world, forbid the world!

This is a great formation of imperial rank, which is equivalent to the great formation of the emperor in the formation, possessing the powerful power to change the world and change the world!

simply put.

Can suppress the emperor!

"Mom! What kind of monsters does this human killing **** provoke? Even the imperial ranks can get it out. It's just a young life!"

Shuangbaishan was crying.

The great ancestors are here, is it possible that the apes will be planted here?

At this time, Shuangbai Mountain had no hope of whether it could survive.

The imperial rank array has been taken out, this human being kills the gods against the sky, may it not be able to compete with the imperial rank array?

This is a big formation that even the emperor is afraid of!

Even if it is not an emperor's main array, it can link the laws of the heavens in the void, and has the power to destroy the sky and the earth. Putting it on this connecting sky array will have the power to refine the world!

"Humans, I want to see how you break this great formation of heaven refining? You wailing in the great formation of heaven refining, and then you will be refined into a **** pill!"

Kun Yuan laughed.

Furnace the enemy, the tripod casts the pill!

If it is possible to use this formation to refine Qin Yi's world of Fangdilu into a divine pill, its quality may even be close to the imperial middle-level divine pill!

As long as he can swallow this pill, it is enough for him to break through the emperor!

You don’t even need the Great Secret of Chengdi!

"Imperial product array?"

Qin Yi frowned. It wasn't that he doubted the power of this big formation, but rather strange, why Kun Yuan was able to deploy this big formation.

Emperor product array.

Its power is extremely powerful. Except for the emperor, few existences below the emperor can portray the imperial product formation with their own power!

This is an essential gap. For example, the guardian formation outside the Tianyao Continent was created by Monkey King.

Of course, if all three of the spirits and spirits entered the quasi-emperor's extreme realm, it would also be able to portray the imperial rank formation, but such an existence would be considered an emperor.

"The **** pattern on this guy is an imperial formation?"

Suddenly, Qin Yi's eyes condensed, but he saw the clue.

The countless **** patterns on Kun Yuan's spine were clearly the great formation of refining the sky, and it was the back hand left by the demon Kun clan to Kun Yuan, like Zhou Li's divine mind halberd.

This great formation of Heaven Refining is inscribed on Kun Yuan's body, can be regarded as a part of Kun Yuan, and it does not contain the power of the emperor, so it can naturally escape the inspection of the emperor's road without being obliterated.

Motivated by Kun Yuan at this moment, smelt Qin Yi with this array!

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