Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2024: Remove the clouds and mist, you can see the emperor realm

Sky dome.

God shines.

A dazzling beam of light rushed straight into the sky, traversing the sky and the earth, just like the Primordial savage dragon that crossed the heavens, stepping down thousands of miles of boundlessness, and rushing to the high heaven gate.

The countless* vitality surged, instantly turned into a huge torrent of fighting spirit, and the invisible general trend was condensing, as if to penetrate the entire world.

Break through Qin Yi, break through that high heavenly gate!

The door opens, Emperor Cheng!

Take advantage of the perfection of the heavens and the earth to achieve the supreme emperor's position!

But at this moment, Qin Yi covered his palms, with five fingers moving openly, as if five ancient sacred mountains were pouring from the sky.


There was a muffled sound.

The body of the ancient **** child shook suddenly, and the whole person was like hitting an ancient and immortal mountain, his figure was abruptly contained.

The rising momentum was suddenly suppressed!


The horrible fluctuation suddenly broke out!

Huang Gu Shenzi's whole person is like straw in the violent wind, his body bones crackling, and he is thrown out in the whistling.

A stream of blood gushes, turning into a blood red waterfall on the sky, falling down!


Even a character like Huang Gu Shenzi could not help but scream.

The whole person was even more embarrassed, disheveled, and his body was almost slapped by Qin Yi's palm, but his eyes were a little frightening.

"Emperor Realm, I saw it!"

Huang Gu Shenzi muttered while coughing up blood.


He looked up to the sky and laughed so wanton.

Even though the whole body was wounded and the body was dripping blood continuously, the entire body on the right was almost shattered into powder, and even the perfect body of his divine body could not recover in a short time.

Even so, his eyes are still sharp, and his spirit is high, as if the heavenly sword pierced the heavens and the universe, there was a momentum of majesty.

It's like a rough jade, after thousands of times of carving, it will eventually become a peerless jade.

Its Hua is scorching, its rhyme is stunning!

Although he was defeated in Qin Yi's hands, he also achieved what he wanted. It seemed that he was photographed by Qin Yi and defeated him with the palm of his hand, but he saw the strongest realm!

The fragrance of plum blossom comes from the bitter cold, and the sword edge comes from sharpening!

Refining the body is like hammering a sword. After the sword is tempered, quenched and opened, it will shine with stunning brilliance!

"If you don't break it, you can't stand, it turns out that it is...

After the divine body is completed, it can reach the extreme state. If you want to break through the realm of the emperor, you need to shatter the divine body and forge a new body on the original foundation mountain!

Only become emperor! "

The corner of the ancient **** son raised his mouth, and his eyes burst out with a mysterious light.

"Not bad!"

Qin Yi nodded and glanced admiringly at Huang Gu Shenzi.

After all, he admired this ridiculous ancient god, and did not kill him, otherwise the ridiculous ancient **** would have been slapped to death by him.

This ridiculous ancient **** child is also very talented, using his hand to spy on the realm of the emperor, and has even touched the realm of the emperor.

The emperor is watching!

Although the ancient **** child has already spied the realm of the emperor, if he wants to be promoted to the emperor, it still takes hundreds of thousands of years, even millions of years of hard cultivation.

This is still the case with sufficient resources for practice.

Of course, the ancient **** child is lucky, at least he has stepped out of the barriers, walked out of his own path, and only needs to practice step by step to break through the emperor realm.

If it is a great opportunity, it can even save millions of years of hard cultivation.

Recast the divine body, polish to the realm of Dzogchen!

In due course, you can become an emperor!

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