Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2025: The Sinister Zhao Cheng


The ancient **** child breathed like a dragon, like a long whale absorbing water, and countless essences gathered from all directions and poured into the body of the ancient **** child.

His body was rumbling, and the fragmented divine body was peeling off one by one, undergoing violent transformation!

The ray of light shines, like a bright day.

There are countless deities sitting in acupuncture points all over the body, all of which are shining brightly. This is stepping out of the original barrier to create a more powerful divine body.

The ancient **** child took this opportunity to break his shackles.


In him, countless dragons roared.

And the secret method he mastered is also constantly running, recovering his injuries.


At this moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared behind Huanggu Shenzi.

The black shadow held Sanchi Qingfeng and cut down diagonally.

The cold hair of the ancient **** child exploded in an instant, and with the help of nothing, he jumped into the void, and on one side of his body, he avoided the blade of sword dangerously and dangerously.

However, even if the ancient **** child reacted quickly enough, he was still injured by the sharp sword light.


Blood spattered, a deep sword wound appeared on the back of the ancient **** child, and the internal organs were visible in his body, almost cutting the ancient **** child in half!


The ancient **** child yelled in pain, cold sweat on his forehead.

He almost fell here, not only could he not be promoted to the emperor, but he would even die!


The black shadow was silent, and with a sword across the air, he slew towards the ancient **** child.

Jian Guang's awe-inspiring, extremely powerful horror, instantly tore the void.

The sword light suddenly trembled before approaching the ancient **** child, turning into countless strands of transparent glow.

Jian Guanghua silk!

Only by stepping into the extremely high realm of kendo can you have such supernatural powers.

A sword is like a thousand swords, and killing is like a bull!

"Damn! Zhao Cheng, you..."

The ancient **** child cursed, squeezing out five words from his teeth.

The black figure showed his figure, showing a young man with an indifferent expression.

Surprisingly, Zhao Cheng, the **** son of the God Sect of Heaven!

Zhao Cheng held an exquisite sword exuding coldness and splendor. Numerous sword lights were floating around him, and the traces of years flowed on the tip of the sword.

The three-foot magic sword is lifted backwards, glowing with chaos and glory!


As a last resort, the ancient **** child inspired a talisman, turned into a streamer, and appeared hundreds of miles away in an instant, thus avoiding Zhao Cheng's sword.

"Zhao Cheng, you shameless villain, unexpectedly attacked my son!"

The ancient **** child fell to his knees in the void, breathing heavily, bleeding from his sword wound on his back.

At this moment, he didn't care about this, his eyes were red, and he stared at Zhao Cheng, killing intent boiling in his chest.

If he noticed it in time, he might be killed by Zhao Cheng at the time of the first sword!

"The mere barbarians, even if they cultivate to the extreme realm of the quasi-emperor, they are still trash, and even an ant under the realm of the quasi-emperor cannot be defeated.

Such a waste, why not let this **** child kill you with a single sword? "

Zhao Cheng's eyes hung high, with endless indifference in his eyes, overlooking the ancient gods.

It's like the heaven above.

All those who don't follow his will are dead!


After finishing speaking, Zhao Cheng Yiyang held the Divine Sword, and didn't say much, it was the sword that slashed towards the Ancient God Child.

Sword up the storm!

Countless dazzling sword lights obscured the sky, killing intent to shake the ages, such as the eruption of mountains and rivers, the bursting of the sea, and the desolate ancient **** child.

Zhao Cheng is going to kill the ancient **** child!

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