Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2035: Fist sword intersect

"Destroy my followers, kill them!"

Zhao Cheng spoke indifferently.

The Divine Sword of Heaven in his hand bloomed with the strongest sword intent, shaking in all directions, as if the entire world of Dilu Nine Layers trembled and resonated.

The vast expanse roared like waves of thunder blasting into the sky.

The sword light is bright, the sun and the moon collapse!

Everyone has no doubt that this shot down is enough to turn all the tens of thousands of miles into powder, even if this is the world of Dilu Nine Layers.

"Don't be ashamed!"

Qin Yi's eyes were cold.

With this sword, it's like killing me?

Who gives you the confidence?

Immediately, he moved his body and suddenly took a step forward.


Behind Qin Yi, a silver big sun suddenly rose in the sky, containing infinite power.

The horrible power fluctuations erupted, and there seemed to be a great **** rising up, exuding a breath of crushing the heavens and suppressing the world.

Surging energy and blood burst out from Qin Yi, shaking the sun and the moon.

Bend slightly.

It was just a punch.


that moment.

The void burst, the space hangs upside down!

The immeasurable force of the fist ran across the void, pressing the surrounding space to creak, and strands of the nine heavenly celestial energy gathered under the guidance of the will, trying to offset Qin Yi's power.

If it weren't for this nine-layer world of Dilu, another world transformed into Dilu, such a terrifying blow would have crushed everything!

"It's ridiculous and presumptuous!"

Zhao Cheng was proud and looked very arrogant.

The sword that he slashed out of the Divine Sword of Heaven is not a sword that Qin Yi can contend with with the power of his body. This move by Qin Yi is tantamount to seeking his own death.

Body cultivation cultivates the divine body, polished to the quasi-emperor extreme realm, and is at most equivalent to a general quasi-emperor war weapon.

But, is the Heavenly God Sword in his hand an ordinary quasi-imperial war weapon?

This is a quasi-imperial war weapon that was made by the gods of the gods at the expense of countless treasures. After countless years of polishing, it was only a step away from being promoted to a royal war weapon!

Qin Yi just wanted to compete with the Heavenly Sword with the physical body alone?

He is confident that even if he is an emperor, I am afraid that he would not dare to hold his sword, this sword is still close to the emperor, enough to hurt the emperor!


The sword sounded sonorously, and the sword intent rolled.

It's like the nine days of Tianhe rolling down, the horror is extreme!

But Qin Yi was still unmoved, punched in the air, golden brilliance circulated on his body, and silver halo circulated behind him, like a chaotic air current tumbling.

The outline of a world is outlined little by little, and a vast world is gradually built up, and all living beings are thriving.

The sun and moon hang high, and the towering ancient city stands tall!

"court death!"

No matter how powerful Qin Yi was, Zhao Cheng just sneered.

In his eyes, Qin Yi's move was completely seeking death.

If Qin Yi used his own war weapon, he might still be able to fight against him, but it would be okay, but Qin Yi wanted to fight with the Heavenly Sword with his body?

This isn't a court death, what is it?

However, the next scene was completely beyond his expectations.


Fist and sword intersect!

The sky trembled, and the void caused layers of ripples, and the undulating fluctuations instantly destroyed everything around them, and the mountains and rivers collapsed.

This volatility is even greater than the previous fights between Qin Yi and Yiyuan Emperor and the ancient gods!

Even Chengdi Mountain experienced a shock for the first time under this fluctuation.

The large array covering the top of Chengdi Mountain lit up slightly, which suppressed the fluctuation of this collision.

In Zhao Cheng's shocked eyes, the sword light he slashed out was suddenly suppressed by the mighty punch.

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