Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2036: Unfortunately, he was wrong again


Fist strength collided with sword light, causing huge fluctuations.

The two collided, just stalemate for three breaths, and ended in Jianguang defeat.

Countless sword lights were like hitting an ancient sacred mountain, splitting in two instantly from the middle, and Qin Yi was in the center of the sword light, driving his fist and rushing towards Zhao Cheng.

"how is this possible?"

Zhao Cheng's expression changed abruptly, and an incredible touch appeared in his eyes.

His sword could not stop Qin Yi's punch, which was beyond his expectations!

You know, he used a sword to cut through the body of a quasi-emperor who was almost in the extreme realm of the flesh, and slashed it with a single sword, without any effort at all.

Qin Yi's physical identity is clear, stronger than that of the quasi-emperor, and weaker than that!

How can he block his sword?

‘Even if this guy condenses a thousand worlds, it’s not the power that his physical body can carry? Why can he block the sword of this **** son? ’

Zhao Cheng's thoughts flowed.

He naturally knew the prestige of the Imperial Scriptures of the Beginning, and even knew it well. He naturally understood that to carry the illusory world condensed by the Imperial Scriptures of the Beginning, he needed an extremely powerful body.

Otherwise, if this force is forced into the body, it will be the end of the body exploding first.

The physical body manifested by Qin Yi shouldn't reach this level, right?

‘Could this guy use any secret method? ’

Such a thought flashed in Zhao Cheng's mind, and only in this way can he explain why Qin Yi could defeat him with this sword!

The martial arts have evolved in thousands, and various secret methods have emerged in endlessly.

In the evolution of countless epochs, countless different secret methods have also been born, including countless secret methods that damage oneself, and even use lifespan in exchange for combat power.

In Zhao Cheng's eyes, Qin Yi had used this secret method!

‘This **** son wants to see, how long can you hold this secret method? ’

Zhao Cheng's eyes were bright.

Of course, if he knew that Qin Yi had cultivated a five-star supernatural power, an indestructible golden body, and even the supreme supernatural power of a prehistoric Buddhist monk, he would not think so.

This is a magical power that most emperors in the Eastern Frontier have never mastered!

How can it be judged by state alone?

"Damn junior, don't be arrogant, I will show you the strongest method of my god!"

Zhao Cheng let out a loud shout, and a faint silver light appeared in the depths of his eyes, like a galaxy.


The sword light that had just been shattered by Fist Jin suddenly glowed with a faint light.

As if condensed into countless tiny divine swords, the cold light overflowed, and people felt a shudder from the soul.

Sword of the Soul!

This is the real ultimate move of Zhao Cheng's sword!


Under Zhao Cheng's control, these countless tiny divine swords pierced towards Qin Yi.

With Qin Yi shrouded in it instantly, there is nowhere to escape!


Qin Yi sneered.

With a punch in the air, this punch continued to hit Zhao Cheng, regardless of what Zhao Cheng called the Soul Sword.

"Really looking for death!"

Zhao Cheng was furious, and there seemed to be a flame of soul burning in his eyes!

This is the sword of the gods and souls that he relies on the most. The swords of the gods and souls have been forged only by the cultivation of his gods and souls in the extreme realm, coupled with his own powerful kendo!

Destroy the soul!

Anyone who has never cultivated into the extreme state of the soul will die if they touch it!

If it's just fighting power, he might not be as good as Qin Yi who uses the secret method, but if it's fighting spirits, how can Qin Yi be his opponent?

This is a gap in realm!

He who has cultivated into the extreme state of the soul, the power of the soul is ten times that of Qin Yi!


He was wrong again.

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