Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2104: Fake, it must be fake

"An emperor has fallen. Could it be that many emperors in the stepped emperor world joined forces and killed one of them?"

"Judging from the breath, it should be the Great Emperor Zhenhai who fell."

"Emperor Zhenhai, did he commit the anger of many emperors in the emperor world?"

Even the many emperors who pay attention to this place, their spiritual thoughts are also communicating in the void.

It's a pity that there is a formation guardian outside the emperor stepping world, and before the emperor stepping world is reopened, many emperors can't see the scene in the stepping emperor world.

In short, many emperors can only wait silently for the reopening of the emperor road.

"Could it be that Emperor Lu Temple Spirit shot and killed Emperor Zhenhai?"

Among the emperors, the Great Emperor frowned.

The difficulty of an emperor is clearest to the emperor.

There are so many followers of an emperor.

Even if he cultivated into the three realms of emperors, he was only sure to suppress the existence of one emperor and one realm, but he was not sure enough to kill one emperor.

As long as there is a ray of divine consciousness, an emperor can regenerate and become a strong emperor.

Can't be regarded as killing this emperor!

Only in the Taichu Emperor Dynasty, with the help of the power of the Taichu Emperor Dynasty, could he be sure to completely destroy the existence of an emperor in one realm.

As for the supreme who has stepped into the four realms of the emperor, but it has entered a new realm, and can kill the supreme of the emperor.

Even the supreme of the three realms of killing the emperor is also in charge!

Therefore, he would show kindness to Buluo Dynasty before.

To be precise, it was to express his goodwill to the emperor who killed the Great Emperor Xuan Ye.

Even if Emperor Xuan Ye was injured by the Tao and wanted to kill Emperor Xuan Ye, he was at least an emperor in the three realms.

For a supreme of the same realm, the Great Emperor could only make friends.

In the Treading Emperor Realm, the existence of the Great Emperor Zhenhai can be eliminated, except for the joint efforts of several emperors, only the Dilu Temple Spirit who had talked with him.

This mysterious temple spirit, he has never seen through the cultivation base of this existence, that one is at least the existence of the four realms of the emperor!

‘But, why would this one take action against Emperor Zhenhai? ’

The Emperor Zhenhai was puzzled and muttered in his heart.

Between these two, in his view, it should be a subordinate relationship.

But I don't know why the Dilu Temple Spirit would act against Emperor Zhenhai?

"Thinking too much is useless, you will know the cause and effect when you step into the emperor world."

At the beginning, the emperor thought for a moment, without the slightest clue, he could only give up.


Step inside the emperor world.

Countless people stared blankly at the silver-haired young man in front of the emperor mountain and the man with a bow.

Especially this man with a bow, watching this man shoot a great emperor who stands high in their eyes, with one arrow!

At first, they didn't believe it.

"Impossible, this is an emperor, how could it have fallen like this?"

"The dignified Emperor Zhenhai, a strong man who overlooks the heavens, and the emperor of two eras of enlightenment, was killed by an arrow?"

"Fake, it must be fake!"

Countless people are desperate and unwilling to accept this fact.

A high emperor like a nine-day real dragon, died so easily?

Anyway, he is also an emperor, who is proficient in all kinds of magical powers and life-saving secrets? Where is the immortal soul? What about the original world?

After the heaven and earth landed in the vision, the people reluctantly accepted this fact, and Emperor Zhenhai was shot and killed with an arrow.

But after everyone accepted it, the heart was even more shocked.

It's like my own cognition for many years, almost collapsed!

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