Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2105: Who dares to wipe the edge of my arrow


Changfeng whispered, his mind was cold and silent.

Everyone looked helpless, looking at the two Qin Yi, their hearts rolled like a wave.

Before Luo Hou Ji took the shot, everyone thought that even if Luo Hou Ji could defeat Emperor Zhenhai, he would use that furnace-shaped imperial weapon.

Who knows, this powerful man named Luohou Jidu not only didn't use the Eternal Immortal Furnace, but with just one arrow, he killed the Great Zhenhai!

Draw a bow.

Lead arrow.

When the arrow came out, the Great Emperor Zhenhai had already fallen on the spot. There was no resistance, and it was not much more difficult than the emperor to kill a quasi-emperor.

Not only countless onlookers were terrified, and even the many emperors on the sky were cold and shocked.

Even the Great Emperor Wanfa with the strongest cultivation level among the crowd frowned, and felt heart palpitations for Luo Hou Jidu's arrow.

This time.

The emperors who lived for nine days also felt that death was so close.

Luo Hou Ji can kill Zhenhai the Great with one arrow, which means Luo Hou Ji can also kill them!

"This arrow involves many laws such as the law of time, the law of power, and the law of space.

One arrow is inevitable! "

Huanggu Great Emperor pondered for a long time before he opened his mouth very solemnly.

"This person is not only close to Taoism in archery, but his cultivation has reached an unfathomable level, far surpassing you and me."

Emperor Tianfeng's complexion was deep and jealous.

The power of Luo Hou Jidu made his heart tremble.

He was thinking, if it was him just now, I am afraid that he would not be able to take the arrow, so he could only die like the Great Emperor Zhenhai!

"I'm not as good as Him!"

At this time, the Great Emperor Wanfa suddenly spoke.


When everyone heard this, they were shocked.

Among the many emperors, the Great Emperor Wanfa has the longest cultivation time and the highest cultivation level. He has cultivated to the peak of the second realm of the emperor!

Being present, no, in the entire Emperor Stepping Realm, his cultivation is the highest.

If Luo Hou Jidu's cultivation base is higher than him, wouldn't it be...

"The emperor's three realms, this person's cultivation has reached the emperor's three realms!

Moreover, the bow and arrow in his hand is also an imperial weapon! "

The Great Emperor Wanfa said solemnly.

The most powerful emperor in the emperor world had deep fear in his eyes.

"Emperor Three Realms!"

Many emperors were shocked and looked at Luo Hou Jidu in surprise.

With such a realm, coupled with an imperial weapon, it is no wonder that Luo Hou Ji will be defeated and will fall here.

And at the moment.

"Who dares to fight again?"

Luo Hou Ji is all looking at all directions, his eyes are like electricity, shocking the heavens.

Even many emperors did not dare to look directly at him, and could only avoid his sharp edge.

This is the power of killing the emperor with one arrow!

This is the dominance of Luo Hou Ji Du!

Proud unparalleled, unparalleled domineering!

No matter how arrogant many emperors are, they cannot deny the power of Luo Hou Jidu, and they have to admit his power.

Luo Hou Ji can kill the Emperor Zhenhai, and can also kill them with one arrow!

"Your Excellency, this realm is the realm of stepping through the emperor, not the realm of the eastern frontier, you shoot the Great Emperor Zhenhai, don't think it violates..."

Some emperors are not reconciled and want to question Luo Hou Jidu.


Luo Huji's nose shook, his eyes lighted like electricity, and he instantly swept towards the emperor.

"Do you have an opinion?"

Luo Houji grinned at the corner of his mouth, revealing a cold and merciless smile.

Stop talking.

Luo Hou Ji Du slightly raised the Ji Du bow in his hand, touched the Luo Hou Arrow behind his right hand, and looked at the emperor coldly.

Needless to say what this means!

No more nonsense, I will shoot you with one arrow!

This arrow can shoot the emperor, who dares to wipe the edge of my arrow?


Or is it Him?

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