Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2106: Ten emperors, not as good as one person

"Sir, don't you think you are too domineering?"

The emperor looked gloomy, his face sinking like water.

Emperor, don't be insulted!

In any case, he is also an emperor, the emperor who dominates one side, Luo Hou Ji has insulted him in such a way, isn't he just hitting him in the face!

If it weren't for the strength of Luo Hou Jidu, he would have already shot.

"Ten emperors who are present when I step on the emperor world are enough to suppress you!"

The emperor gave a deep drink.

Even if the Great Emperor Zhenhai was shot and killed by Luo Hou Ji, there were still Masters here, who could suppress everything!

Even if Luo Hou Ji are cultivated to the three realms of the emperor, it is impossible for them to join forces with their opponents.


The emperor has nine realms, one realm and one heaven.

However, everyone belongs to the lower three realms of the nine emperors, and there are ten emperors, and there is no lack of the existence of the second emperor, which is enough to compete with the power of the three emperors.

Furthermore, even if they lose, there is still an adult!

"Oh? Then you try!"

Luo Houji curled his mouth and said coldly.


As he said, Luo Houji stepped forward abruptly, and a terrible anger surged behind him.

In an instant, this world filled the whole world!

Luo Hou Ji has black hair dancing wildly, and his whole body is sharp and sharp, and there are countless arrows faintly appearing around him.


Luo Hou Jidu seems to have turned into a magical arrow that can support the sky and the earth, which can shoot and kill immortals!

All the light in the world is covered by Him alone!

Arrow glowing, covering the sky and the sun!

"you you!"

The emperor's face was blue, and his entire popularity trembled.

But he didn't dare to refute Luohou Jidu again, because Luohou Jidu had already taken out the Luohou arrow behind him!

If there is a big difference, the trend is to do it!

The emperor's face was green, and he only felt his scalp numb.

He didn't dare to try this arrow of Luo Hou Jidu, his cultivation base was not as good as Zhenhai Great Emperor, this arrow down, properly died.

Does he dare to refute it?

He was also afraid that he would follow in the footsteps of the Great Emperor Zhenhai and be shot by Luo Hou Jidu with an arrow, so he would have no place to cry!

"A waste!"

Luo Houji smiled coldly.

This sentence made the emperor thunderous, but he did not dare to speak again.

The other emperors watched indifferently and never spoke.

Although this is the realm of stepping through the emperor, this strong man is obviously not a friendly role.

They have no grudges against them, so why bother to provoke each other?

As for the fact that Luo Houji had shot and killed the Great Emperor Zhenhai, and hit the face of many powerhouses in the emperor world, there was no need to care.

A fallen emperor, is it worthy of them to provoke such a strong one?

What's more, the Great Emperor Zhenhai has fallen, and it is too late for them to be happy.

Without an emperor, one would be missing a strong man who competed with them for authority, and Zhenhai Tianyu became a land of no master.

Isn't this a good thing?

For many emperors, this is a good thing, so why take action?

Suddenly, there was a scene that made everyone feel weird.

In the sky, ten emperors who hung like a big sun were suppressed by Luo Hou Jidu alone!

The sharpness of Luo Hou Jidu alone overwhelmed the sharpness of the ten emperors, as if a whole piece of emptiness was left alone!

It's like a banquet!

Ten emperors, automatically dwarfed Luohou Jidu!

Everyone has the illusion that the ten emperors are not as good as Luo Hou Jidu alone.

Do not.

In other words, this is not an illusion at all, but the most real feeling!

Ten emperors, not as good as one!

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