Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2107: The dumbfounded Wang Zhantian


The wind whispered.

The arrow screamed.

Sickness filled the sky!

Luo Hou Jidu stood proudly in front of the Emperor Stepping Mountain alone, and his sharp edge had overshadowed the ten emperors and everything in the world!

The ten emperors who stepped on the emperor realm seemed to reveal their original form before him.

For a while, he revealed his own weakness, setting off the strength of Luo Hou Jidu.

The countless disciples of the sect created by the emperors of the emperor realm couldn't help feeling a feeling of collapse in their faith, like a concubine.

Especially in Zhenhai Tianyu, the disciples under Zhenhai Great Emperor were unwilling one by one, but more fearful.

The supreme of his sect was shot, and his sect was also over!

The fall of the emperor, to the sect of one side suppressing a domain, is tantamount to having its backbone broken, and the building will fall!

"Shooting the emperor with one arrow will overwhelm many emperors!"

More people present were shaking hands, staring at Luo Hou Jidu with wide eyes.

One person overwhelms ten emperors.

If it hadn't been for them to see it with their own eyes, no one would believe it and would not dare to believe it if they were told by others.

But all this happened before their eyes.

Can't help but they don't believe it!

"Such a strong man!"

Countless people have even more admiration for Luo Hou Jidu.

It feels like a man should be so.

Under the gaze of everyone, Luo Houji first smiled disdainfully, and then turned around. At the same time, his face was completely reduced.

Then, Luo Houji turned to Qin Yi and respectfully worshiped:

"The emperor ordered Chen Da, Chen Luo Hou Ji has already shot this dog!"

When this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar.

"This this?"

Everyone looked incredible.

If it comes to the previous words, their feelings are not too deep.

They didn't understand the power of Luo Hou Ji Du, and even saw that Luo Hou Ji was so respectful to Qin Yi, and even sneered at it.

Many people also said: "An emperor is so respectful to a quasi emperor, afraid it is not a fake emperor?"

Looking at it at this time, everyone only felt deep awe.

The false emperor?

A strong man who can kill the Great Zhenhai with one arrow is a fake emperor?

Are you afraid that you are dreaming?

Everyone didn't know the cultivation base of Luo Hou Jidu, but seeing Luo Hou Jidu alone overpowered the ten emperors.

Everyone knew the horror of Luo Hou Ji Du, not to mention that he shot and killed an emperor.

However, such a strong person would be so respectful to Qin Yi?

"This, this... this prince from the beginning, this... this majesty, why do you respect him so much?"

Zun Gu's surname Zhundi was almost unclear.

One can imagine how great the shock in his heart is.

It's a pity that no one can answer his question, because everyone is stuck in a dull state, unable to speak for a long time.


Both Wang Zhantian turned into clay sculptures, and they still couldn't believe it at this time.

A strong man who can kill the emperor, even stronger than the great emperor of the early days, would actually regard Qin Yi as his master?

"Brother Lu, you pinch me, pinch me to wake up!"

After a while, Wang Zhantian turned his head and said in a daze.

"Don't pinch, you haven't dreamed, it can't be a dream."

Lu Qiu gave a wry smile.

They are all a quasi emperor, although they are not comparable to many **** sons and emperors, but they are also considered powerful.

How can they not be able to distinguish between dreams and reality, nor can they sink into dreams?

This can only show that all this is true!

Their royal prince really made an emperor surrender to him!

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