Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2144: Mysterious Supreme Arrangement

"Good, good, very good!"

The mysterious supreme said three good words in succession, which shows the anger in his heart.

He has never suffered such humiliation, and he has suffered such a great humiliation in a quasi-emperor.

This is a shame!

However, his heart was even more annoying.

"A high-end imperial weapon, a legacy of the heavenly giants..."

Mysterious Supreme spoke word by word, and blood was dripping in his heart.

If not, he was stunned by the phantom of the silver armor **** and man, and he dared not make another move, I am afraid that the inheritance of Qin Yi will belong to him!

This is the inheritance of a giant of the heavens!

Even if it is Him, the eternal immortal furnace alone is enough to make His eyes hot.

However, it is too late to regret at this moment!

"Boy, don't think that if you leave the emperor world, you are out of the control of this seat.

As long as you stay in the stepped emperor world, this seat will have your inheritance! "

Suddenly, Mysterious Supreme was no longer angry, and his tone returned to normal.

As far as he is concerned, as long as Qin Yi stays in the eastern frontier, he still has a chance to get the inheritance of the giants!

After all, in his eyes, Qin Yi was still the prince of the Taichu Emperor.

‘I’m going to send someone to stare at the Taichu Emperor. As soon as this son shows up, I will rush to him, and I will be able to stop this son!

Let Wanfa do this thing! ’

The mysterious supreme mind turns, and there is a plan.

At this point, Mysterious Supreme was in a great mood, and he wanted to laugh three times to express his enjoyment.

Boy, you can't escape the palm of this seat!

‘As for, the news about that kid must not be leaked out! ’

Mysterious Supreme's eyes were full of fierce light, sweeping the eyes of many gods in the eastern border with a strong killing intent.

It is impossible for him to give in to the inheritance of a giant!

Absolutely not, let this news out!

‘No, you can’t kill all of these people, otherwise the real Phoenix guy will notice that something is wrong and it will be disadvantageous. ’

Mysterious Supreme changed his mind again, dispelling this idea.

It would be inappropriate to obliterate all the beings in the emperor world, but to attract the attention of the outside world.

Even if, in the past, the creatures that could or go out in the emperor world were not too many, but not all of them fell.

The collision between him and the eternal immortal furnace caused countless deaths and injuries!

There are still more than twenty divine sons and quasi emperors remaining in the eastern frontier. If they are killed again, they will be noticeable.

‘Forget it, I can erase the memories of these people. ’

There is only one way left for Mysterious Supreme.


With a wave of the mysterious supreme hand, in the eastern frontier and the stepped emperor realm, countless creatures who watched the battle just now were wiped out instantly.

With the existence of the four realms of an emperor, the memory of the creatures under the emperor is only in the palm of his hand.

At the same time, the scene in the Emperor Stepping Realm was restored to its original state, no longer the broken scene that looked like the last days.


Mysterious Supreme couldn't help coughing after finishing this.

His injuries seemed to be getting worse.

Originally, he had been severely injured by the power of the Eternal Immortal Furnace. At this moment, the strong action and use of force made his own injuries more serious.

"Damn it!"

Mysterious Supreme screamed and arranged his plan.

Many emperors in the stepped emperor realm responded quickly and did not dare to refute it.

Many emperors, under the power of the mysterious supreme, can only issue a great oath to ensure that this matter will not be spread.

After doing this, the mysterious supreme disappeared on the sky.

At this time, all the talents in the emperor world were awakened like a dream.

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