Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2145: The bewilderment of many emperors

Step inside the emperor world.

Happy wind.

There is no cloud in the sky, a peaceful scene.

Everything seems to have not happened.

"What happened?"

"Is the trial of Emperor Road over? Didn't the Prince of the Beginning obtain the Great Secret of Emperor Cheng?"

"Has the Prince of the Beginning already left?"

The awakened creatures looked blank.

Their memory only remained when Luo Hou Jidu shot and killed two emperors including the Great Emperor Zhenhai, and everything after that was erased.

Everyone looked around, and they never found Qin Yi again.

But the many emperors on the sky were silent, and their figures slowly faded.

"This is the end?"

Everyone was surprised.

The two emperors have fallen, so is this all over?

"Ten emperors take action, or let the Prince of the Beginning leave calmly?

Now, the prince from the beginning is going to make a name for the Eastern Frontier! "

Some strong guys are amazed.

In the history of the Eastern Frontier, there is no shortage of peerless talents who escaped from the emperor.

As long as these arrogances do not fall in the middle, in the end, without exception, they all become emperors!

Such as the Emperor Taichu of the last era!

Not to mention, the prince in the early days has obtained the Great Secret of Emperor Cheng, and there is an emperor to protect him, it is difficult to think of becoming an emperor!

Everyone has a clear understanding in their hearts. After today, the name of the Prince of the Beginning will shake the lives of the entire Eastern Frontier.

Everyone's memories are erased, otherwise, they will be even more surprised.

Of course, even so, everyone is still shocked again and again.


At this time, there was a huge roar from the sky.

The fairy formation opens, and the emperor world reopens!

This sound sounded, which represented the opening of the emperor world again.


When the stepped emperor world was opened, strong wills descended from the sky.

This is the will of the emperor!

Everyone was shocked and looked towards the sky with a dumbfounded expression.

Emperor Taichu, Emperor Yao Kun, Emperor Yi Yuan...

The divine thoughts of an emperor came one after another, which is rare.

Even if it was the secret of becoming an emperor in the past, at most three or four emperors would show up.

As a result, looking at it now, this guy, at least more than 30 emperors, has dropped his own divine mind clone!

Is it possible to start the Imperial War?

No, the prince had already left the emperor world in the beginning.

Everyone was stunned, and many emperors who came were also stunned.

Outside the world of Treading Emperor, the fluctuations that everyone felt were so vast, no matter the mysterious supreme or the breath of the eternal immortal furnace, it was extremely terrifying.

The breath of the two collides, and even the great world may collapse.

However, they entered the stepped emperor world, as if nothing happened?

What's happening here?

"What the **** is going on?"

The great emperor of Taichu was even more gloomy. When he scanned the surroundings, he never found his prince, or even the figure of the **** of the Taichu Emperor.

His heart suddenly tightened, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

"You, come and tell this emperor, what happened in the emperor stepping world?

Who is playing against each other, causing such a big fluctuation? "

Among the many emperors, the Tiandu emperor, who had a childlike appearance, asked his doorman.

"Return to the ancestors, before that, it was an emperor under the prince of the early days, who fought against two emperors in the emperor world.

And the two emperors have all fallen. "

The disciple of Tiandu God Sect immediately replied.


The expressions of many emperors were stagnant, with expressions of uncertainty.

Are you joking?

One emperor surrendered to the prince in the early days, but also killed two emperors?

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