Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2487: Yo, someone is looking for something

Inside the hall.

An emperor, or looking down, or chatting, or drinking and drinking...

Even the "Emperor Zhenhuang" on the high platform never spoke, as if waiting for someone.

Taking this opportunity, Qin Yi refined the medicine in his body.


Qin Yi closed his eyes, exhaled and breathed, and countless acupoints vibrated.

The original world is like a gluttonous beast, swallowing infinite medicine.

A series of huge medicinal powers fell from the emperor pill and merged into the source world, slowly expanding the source world.

Qin Yi has a heart to practice, but there are emperors looking for trouble.

"Unexpectedly, our newly promoted eternal emperor is a wonderful person.

When discussing major issues with us, we never forget to practice. "

At this time, someone said negatively.

There was a hint of bad faith in the words.

Qin Yi raised his eyes and saw that the person who spoke was the Great Emperor Star!

The Great Emperor Xingchen was looking at Qin Yi with a smile, with murderous intent in his eyes, without any cover.

"Tsk tsk, here comes, Xingchen and other emperors suffered a big loss when the prince was promoted to emperor in the early days.

Now, there is a good show! "

Many emperors raised their brows and watched this scene with interest.

Prior to this, when Qin Yi was promoted to the emperor, the Star Emperor and many other emperors took action to block, even the real body came to kill.

Although it failed, the grudge ended!

How arrogant emperors such as the Star Emperor are, how can they let go of the resentment in their hearts?

This is not.

Whenever he had a chance, the Great Emperor Star made a mockery of Qin Yi.

"Hahaha, Brother Xingchen's words are wrong. Brother Eternal has just stepped into the emperor realm, and he is obsessed with cultivation. It is not incomprehensible."

An emperor beside the Great Emperor Xingchen also spoke.

This emperor, named Deadwood Supreme, is an emperor who has practiced three epochs, and his cultivation level is only an emperor.

When Qin Yi broke through the emperor's realm, he also really came and shot Qin Yi!

"However, there are so many emperors attending the meeting, it is not appropriate to practice here."

Immediately, Withered Wood Supreme turned around and said yin and yang strangely.

"Yes, Brother Zhenhuang summoned me to be equal to this. It is to discuss important matters, not for you to practice!"

"Yes, yes!"

"You can practice at any time, and you have to practice here and now. Could it be that you are dissatisfied with this gathering, or dissatisfied with Brother Zhenhuang!"

The other emperors also spoke in a deep voice.

The words of these emperors were sharper than one, and the other was more malicious than the other.

The emperors of the Eastern Frontier were present, and the "Emperor Zhenhuang" suppressed, they were not afraid of Qin Yi turning his face.

Just laugh at him in public, how dare Qin Yi?

Is it possible to dare to deal with them in the presence of'Emperor Zhenhuang'?

Even when Bai Yuanchu heard the words, his expression changed.

"Cultivation is not bad for a while, you just want to practice at this time, do you look down on us?"

"That's right. Our eternal emperor has just stepped into the emperor realm, and it is inevitable that we are proud of ourselves. It is excusable not to put these old monsters in our eyes."

"It's a trivial matter to look down on us, I'm afraid that even Brother Zhenhuang didn't take it seriously!"

The Withered Wood Supreme spoke again and again, and the words were full of provocative meaning.

He didn't expect that because of a few words, the "Emperor Zhenhuang" would have a grudge with Qin Yi and Bai Yuanchu.

He just wanted Qin Yi and Bai Yuanchu to feel aggrieved and uncomfortable!

Kill the heart!

Even if you can't do anything to you, it will make you sick!

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