Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2488: On the verge of death, crazy testing

"Wither wood, shut your mouth, don't talk nonsense!"

Bai Yuanchu's eyes sank, and a cold light flashed under his eyes.

If it were in the past, he might choose to retreat and not to care about emperors such as Withered Wood Supreme, but this time is different.

He has signed a contract of obedience with Qin Yi, and he is an invincible minister!

You humiliate the minister!

Qin Yi was lightly insulted, how could this not make Bai Yuanchu angry?

"Why, brother Taichu, the deity made a mistake?

As long as you make a mistake, you have to admit it, even if you are your own heir, brother Taichu, you can't shield him.

This is in front of Brother Zhenhuang. "

Withered Wood Supreme didn't care about it, and didn't fear Bai Yuanchu at all.

If it is normal, he may not want to offend Bai Yuanchu, but at this moment he is not alone, but he represents many emperors.

All kinds of general trends have been added to the body, and there is no fear of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty!

Moreover, he still didn't believe that on this occasion, Bai Yuanchu would dare not make a move?

Don't look at "Emperor Zhenhuang" who has never spoken, but as long as he sits here, it is the greatest deterrent!

What is the first person in Eastern Xinjiang?

One person here, Dongjiang bowing his head, is the first person in Dongjiang.

This is the prestige cultivated by suppressing the Eastern Xinjiang for more than ten epochs!

It's okay for Bai Yuanchu and Qin Yi not to make a move. As long as they make a move, they fall into his calculations and refute the face of "Emperor Zhenhuang".

At that time, no matter how magnanimous the'Emperor Zhenhuang' is, he will not help being angry!


A sullen anger flashed across Bai Yuanchu's face, furious.

An originally very small thing, withered wood supreme and other emperors, but want to make a big fuss on this.

To make it clear, it is to embarrass him and the emperor!

But he also understood that he could not shoot at will, otherwise he would be evil to the "Emperor Zhenhuang", which would be extremely detrimental to him and the emperor.

"Brother Wither is extremely true. Since you have made a mistake, you must admit your mistake.

No matter how bad it is, you have to bow your head to confess your mistakes, and this matter can be revealed. "

Emperor Xingchen shook the glass in his hand and smiled lightly.

"Yes, our requirements are not high, let him bow his head and admit his mistake, we will not pursue this matter!"

All the emperors nodded.

Many emperors lost face on Qin Yi that day, with grievances in their hearts, and naturally they would not let this opportunity to humiliate Qin Yi.

Opening one by one, echoing the Star Emperor.

"All present are emperors, and it is not a big deal to bow your head and admit your mistake."

Withered Wood Supreme smiled cheerfully, with a joking tone.

"If you only lose some face, you can avoid Brother Zhenhuang's anger. Speaking of which, Brother Bai has made a lot of money."

Behind the Great Emperor Xingchen, even the emperor said with a sense of meaning.

They just want to force Qin Yi to bow his head and lose face!

That day, that bad breath!

"you guys!"

At the beginning of Bai Yuan's eyes, the canthus was about to split, and his body was full of breath.

Asking the emperor to bow his head to admit his mistakes is simply wishful thinking!

The emperor has just stepped into the emperor realm, and his heart is high. If the emperor really bows his head and admits his mistake, he will definitely feel frustrated and even affect his own practice.

Besides, the emperor is respected, how can he bow his head to him!


The surging breath instantly enveloped the void and filled the sky.

The invisible power is overwhelming, and withered wood supreme and other emperors are all discolored!

"At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, you have to think clearly. This is not your Great Beginning World, but the True Phoenix World!

Are you sure, are you going to shoot? "

Emperor Xingchen was unmoved, but looked at Bai Yuanchu with a smile.

As he said, his eyes swept away, and the expression of "Emperor Zhenhuang" was gloomy on the high platform.

Fun expression!

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