Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2491: Let him go


Infinite silence.

Inside the hall, there was a dead silence, even the needle fell!

Many emperor supreme, including the Star Emperor, were all dumbfounded, showing a surprised expression.

Withered Wood Supreme is defeated!

Lost in the hands of a junior who had just stepped into the realm of the emperor, and was defeated so simply that he was suppressed.

This is fundamentally different from their expectations.

Withered Wood Supreme is a veteran emperor, and his cultivation is not weak.

Among the many emperors present, apart from the Emperor Zhenhuang, there were also Tongtian Baozun and others, who were sure to suppress Withered Wood Supreme, no one had this strength.

However, these are the supreme emperors of the three realms!

Although there is a gap between the second stage of the emperor and the first stage of the emperor, it is not too big to be resisted!

Not to mention, Withered Wood Supreme has already touched the threshold of the Second Realm of Emperors.

Qin Yi's strength greatly exceeded the expectations of many emperors!

Emperor Xingchen and other emperors are even more sinking.

They exhausted their minds, and instead of losing Qin Yi's face, they were slapped in the face by Qin Yi.

Hit them hard in the face!

"The boy surnamed Bai, don't hesitate to release Withered Wood Supreme!"

Great Emperor Xingchen shouted to Qin Yi with a gloomy face.

"Let it go?"

The corner of Qin Yi's mouth raised slightly, seemingly mocking.

Instead of letting go of Wither Wood Supreme, his right hand tightened slightly, until the body of Wither Wood Supreme creaked.

Want me to let this person go, how can it be so simple?

How can you provoke me without paying a price?

"Zhuzi, you...puff!"

Withered Wood Supreme yelled, and a mouthful of emperor blood spurted out.

He is not an emperor who is known for his physical body, Qin Yi just pinched his physical body, and suffered five injuries!


The Great Emperor Xing Chen slapped his front case, furious.

Qin Yi's attitude is too arrogant!

This is simply not paying attention to the emperor present.

Even emperors such as Tongtian Baozun and Heaven-Swallowing Demon Lord who hold a neutral attitude have a little ugly expression.

There have always been frictions between the emperors of the Eastern Frontier, and most of them stop there.

Withered Wood Supreme being suppressed by Qin Yi's palm, this lesson was enough in the eyes of many emperors.

Qin Yi should stop too!

This is the emperor's banquet held by Emperor Zhenhuang, and no blood can be seen.

Qin Yi was so arrogant that he not only slapped the emperors such as the Great Emperor Xingchen in the face, but also slapped the emperors such as Tongtian Baozun on the face, and even slapped ‘Emperor Zhenhuang’ in the face.


A galaxy traversing the chaos, emerges behind the star emperor,

The huge stars bloomed with brilliance, shining on the heavens.

The monstrous power surging in the galaxy, surging surging, seems to have countless torrents rushing in it!

The law roars, the void trembles!

The world-wide blow is already being accumulated and can be dropped at any time.

"Bai Jing, let go of Withered Wood Supreme!"

The Great Emperor Xingchen shouted in a deep voice, shaking thousands of miles into the void.

At this time, he also saw that the reason why Withered Wood Supreme was defeated was because Withered Wood Supreme had understood the decaying qi from the World Tree, he could not help Qin Yi.

Being restrained by the kind of immortal calamity carried by Qin Yi, Withered Wood Supreme would be defeated.

Withered Wood Supreme's ability, most of which are related to the declining calamity.

Decay and robbery were restrained, and withered wood supreme ability was restrained by more than half.

It is reasonable to lose!

Although I don't understand why Witherwood Supreme's declining calamity is restrained, it does not hinder the self-confidence of Emperor Star.

He is still stronger than Qin Yi!

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