Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2492: Stop this matter

Emperor Xingchen is confident.

As long as Qin Yi does not use the eternal immortal furnace, he can suppress Qin Yi.

Even if Qin Yi used the eternal immortal furnace, he was sure to rescue Deadwood Supreme from his hands.

However, he forgot one thing, Qin Yi is not alone.


A figure stepped forward and stood in front of Qin Yi.


An aura of horror broke out in an instant, shaking the world.

The huge breath surged, filling the entire hall!

This breath was so strong that it forced the Emperor Star to step back a few steps, and in the galaxy behind him, the stars were dim.

Even, Star Dou has fallen!

"White! Yuan! Early!"

The Great Emperor Xingchen stared at the figure in front of him fiercely, and squeezed out three characters from his teeth.

The person standing in front of Qin Yi is naturally Bai Yuanchu.

The Great Emperor of the Three Realms!

On that day, the emperors such as Xingchen Great, after Qin Yi got through the thunder tribulation, would retreat because they were afraid of this great emperor.

Otherwise, with the personalities of many emperors, how could they give up?

Even if Qin Yi has the support of the eternal immortal furnace, they will not retreat.

If it had not been for Bai Yuanchu, they would have killed Qin Yi, and had already plundered Qin Yi's imperial weapon!

But it was because they were afraid of Bai Yuanchu that they would retreat, and now Bai Yuanchu was in front of them again.

As long as Bai Yuanchu is alone here, they will be helpless!

If there is no Emperor Three Realm Supreme to take action, no matter how many of them, they will not be able to escape the slightest advantage in the hands of Bai Yuanchu.

Just when the Star Emperor and other emperors were unable to do anything, the ‘Emperor Zhenhuang’ who was sitting high actually spoke.

"Well, let's put the dead wood, this matter will stop there."

As the "Emperor Zhenhuang" spoke, the entire hall was suddenly filled with a powerful and terrifying aura.

Outside the hall, a storm of flames was even more shocking!

The stormy sea swept thousands of miles into the sky!

The world moves with one word, and the waves rise with one word!

This is the terrifying power of this'True Phoenix Emperor'!

As soon as'Emperor Zhenhuang' spoke, Emperor Xingchen and other emperors suddenly felt happy and could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The reason why they dared to provoke Qin Yi and Bai Yuanchu was because of the power of "Emperor Zhenhuang".

Don't look at the expressionless face of the ‘Emperor Zhenhuang’, but they know that the ‘Emperor Zhenhuang’ is already angry!

Their purpose has been achieved!

Qin Yi and Bai Yuanchu had already hated this'True Phoenix Emperor'.

"The boy surnamed Bai, don't you hurry up and release the deity.

The deity tells you, this deity will never end with you! "

The Withered Wood Supreme in Qin Yi's hands yelled even more after hearing this.

Having lost such a big face this time, he and Qin Yi will never die!

He must find the face lost this time!

"Let you go?"

Qin Yi grabbed the dead wood supreme with one hand, and swept away the "Emperor Zhenhuang" lightly.

next moment.

I saw that Qin Yi's right hand shook slightly, clenched slightly, and suddenly squeezed.

"No, no, how dare you, Emperor Zhenhuang has already spoken, how dare you?"

Feeling Qin Yi's movements, Withered Wood Supreme yelled crazily, with an incredible expression in his eyes.

How dare Qin Yi?

"Emperor Zhenhuang" has already spoken, how dare he still do it!

Isn't he afraid of the anger of "Emperor Zhenhuang"?

He was urging his own power to resist Qin Yi's power, but it was a pity that Qin Yi only gave a light grip.

That big hand, ignoring any resistance from Withered Wood Supreme, suddenly crushed the body of Withered Wood Supreme.

With a gentle rub, the body turns into a ball of powder!

For a moment, the hall fell into deathly silence.

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