Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2512: I'll take you on the road

The son of the Great Demon Kun, Kun Lingtian, stood with his hand in his hand.

The pupils are sharp like swords, looking at the chaotic void, piercing the sky.

Even if you just stand in place, it is like the center of the entire world, like a fairy god, for whom countless laws worship!

Even the powerhouses of the demon kun clan had to sigh secretly, the demeanor of this great emperor.

Looking at the eastern frontier, you can also be among the best!

Even Kun Yuan, who had devoted all his strength to the demon Kun clan back then, couldn't compare to this great emperor's son.

Even now, Lu Dongbin, who is ranked first on the waiting list for the Great East of Xinjiang, does not necessarily outperform him.

‘I’m afraid, only the Prince of the Beginning, the Lord of the Emperor, etc., will be able to beat the emperor’s sons. ’

There is a strong family of Yao Kun, sighing in his heart.

Even if they saw the strength of this great emperor's son, they couldn't help but feel completely depressed.

If you face the emperor directly!

"Perhaps, in this era, our race will add another emperor!"

A quasi emperor of the demon Kun clan said so.

Hearing the words, many powerful people around nodded.

"How lofty the emperor's realm is, this seat has been practicing for thousands of years, and he just barely sniffed the threshold of that realm."

"Besides, if you can't push the ten thousand realms horizontally, how can you develop an invincible grandeur?"

"Dongjiang Great World is open, this will be the best stage for Dadao!"

Kun Lingtian smiled faintly and waved at Fang Qiu.

In his words, he didn't demean anyone, but he made many powerful people feel the arrogance in his heart.

As the name suggests, Zhi Ke Ling Tian!

This is the arrogance that comes from the heart, and regards the many arrogances of Dongjiang as nothings and ants.

"Chunyang Sword Fairy, Lu Dongbin, the emperor's waiting list first?

No tigers in the mountains, monkeys dominate! "

Kun Lingtian sneered, his words contemptuously.

"This time, against the imperial dynasty, this seat will surely kill him, and be on the top of the emperor's waiting list, to tell the world that this seat is already born!"

Kun Lingtian said indifferently.

As if killing Lu Dongbin, for him, it was as simple as searching for something.

"As for the prince of the early days, the emperor does not fall, when this seat enters the emperor realm, they can be suppressed by themselves.

This seat must let everyone in the Eastern Frontier know that this seat is the most eye-catching evildoer of this era!

This seat will even bring the demon Kun family to the top of Eastern Xinjiang! "

Kun Ling stood proudly in the sky, overlooking the sky and the earth.

This era, which belonged to his era at that time, belonged to the era of the demonic Kun family, was respected by hundreds of millions of creatures.

Under his command, the Yao Kun clan will truly become one of the most powerful forces in Eastern Xinjiang!

"We are here to advance, congratulations to your Royal Highness for pushing all enemies across the board and becoming the Emperor Realm!"

The powerhouses of the Yao Kun clan all looked enthusiastic when they heard the words, and were impressed by their demeanor, and bowed down to the Kunling world.

We are lucky to have this arrogance!


At this moment, the whole demon kun world trembled suddenly.

"Buying Dynasty, Black Bear Monster, by the order of the Emperor, I am here to send you to the road!"

Then, a big drink came from the sky.

In an instant, the void exploded!

The sky of hundreds of millions of miles was torn apart in an instant, shattered into fragments, scattered across the boundless sky.

In the cracked hole, a figure stepped out.


The vast demon energy, as the figure poured in from the crack, covered the entire sky and plunged into darkness.

In the demon spirit, the figure is stalwart like a monument, holding a long spear, like a demon **** who is fighting against the sky!

It is the black fur monster!

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