Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2513: Demon Kun, get out and die

Demon Kun world.

A series of terrible cracks crisscross the sky.

The magnificent and terrifying breath filled the world, engulfing countless creatures in the entire Monster Kun Realm!

Countless creatures all had scalp numb, panic, and wanted to kneel to the ground.

Kun Lingtian and other strong men were shocked and looked up.

The demon qi is as thick as ink, covering the entire sky, turning it into a giant dragon that is thousands of miles long, roaring and shaking the sky.

Jier, transformed into black thunders, wandering in the void!

Longyin, thunder!


The void quavered.

The cold, murderous aura was overwhelming, and the power of the demon Kun realm rising up, instantly suppressed.

The sky is dim, and the demon is angry!

At this moment, the ancestral land of the Yaokun clan, Yaokun City seemed to be an isolated city, like a flat boat in the sea, crumbling.

In the stormy sea, shivering.

In the eyes of countless powerhouses in the demon kun world, only the unspeakable figure remained in the vast demon aura.

With a stalwart body and a red tasseled gun in his hand, he is terrifying and strong!

One person can crush one world!

"The Emperor?"

Kun Lingtian's pupils shrank, and he looked at the figure in the sky in amazement.

If it were an ordinary emperor, he would not care.

However, the monster emperor in front of him was even more terrifying than his father!

He separated countless layers of space, and under this breath, he felt almost suffocated.

Like ants looking up at the sky, fireflies are vying for glory!

And what shocked Kun Lingtian the most was that this emperor actually came from the Buluo Dynasty, the Buluo Dynasty that he had never taken seriously.

In his eyes, there are only a few people like Lu Dongbin who are worthy of his attention in the imperial dynasty.

If you don't lose the imperial power of the dynasty, you won't lose the emperor, the newly born dragon of good luck, and the emperor with a pig head.

Where did this monster emperor come from?

"If you don't fall into the dynasty, it's just a dynasty. How can He De let so many emperors work for it?"

Kun Lingtian murmured, his face was ugly.

How high is the position of emperor?

Even if he is now, it seems that he is only a line away from the emperor realm, but if he does not break through the emperor in a day, he is just an ant in the emperor realm after all.

The top powers of all parties in the Eastern Frontier are at most two emperors.

The appearance of three emperors in the Buluo Dynasty has exceeded the expectations of many forces in Eastern Xinjiang.

If there is one more emperor, it will be four emperors!

How amazing it will be!


Just as Kun Lingtian was thinking about it, the black bear spirit also emerged from the infinite demon spirit, and his stature continued to skyrocket.

Until, the body has become billions.

The huge figure seems to be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the sky, carrying the sun, moon and stars, like a peerless demon **** who controls the kingdom of demon energy.

The law of heaven and earth!

Most of the followers from the mythological world such as Fengshen and Westward Journey mastered a magical power.

In the hands of the black bear spirit, the strongest might erupted, and its figure filled the entire demon kun world.

Step on the whole world with one foot!


The black bear spirit dropped his gaze, pierced through countless spaces, and landed on Kun Lingtian and others.

In a moment, Kun Lingtian and others trembled, as if they were about to be killed by this look!


The strong people immediately vomited blood, their breath was wilting, and their faces were unwilling.

Just a glance will hit them hard!

Is this the emperor?

And the black bear spirit didn't care about Kun Lingtian and others at all, and even Kun Lingtian never took a second look.

In his eyes, Kun Lingtian, the so-called peerless evildoer, is just an ant, nothing more.

Why should he care?


The black bear spirit’s eyes pierced the infinite space and went straight into the depths of the demon Kun realm:

"Monster Kun, get out and die!"

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